did any of you read the entire bible once...?

by Richie 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Moxy

    various COs admitted the number of those on the servant bodies who had read the bible was about half everywhere you went.


  • RR

    I make it an aim to read through the BIble once every year. Have a schedule. It actually comes out to about three chapters a day.

    "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

  • Skeptic

    I have read the Bible at least five times, and probably double that.

    I read it at least twice in a disorganized fashion when I was born-again.

    One thing I did like about being a JW was the Bible reading schedule. If you do it daily, it takes about 15 minutes and you read the Bible in about a year and a half. I read the Bible a least 3 times following their schedule.

    As for translations, I like the RSV and The Jerusalem Bible. I am not aware of any major flaws with these translations, but I am no expert. I respect that The Jerusalem Bible uses Yahweh in the OT, but not in the NT. This is in keeping with the manuscripts.

    Some tips for those who wish to read the Bible all the way through:

    RR, is correct, the secret is a schedule. He does about 3 chapters a day; I've heard that five pages a day will cover it in a year.

    Keep a copy of the Bible in your rest room. I mean no disrespect here. I learned this as a born-again. My summer job was very demanding and I had no time to read, as I was called away to something if I had five minutes to spare. I found no one distrubed me if I was in the bathroom. So I read my Bible there. It is a habit I kept as a JW, and it works well.


  • sunscapes

    I guess one could claim if the followed the TMS program for a while...but as for independently, no. But then again, if I do start myself, I wouldn't touch the NWT instead the old King James heirloom would be the one to start. The Koran these days would be of more interest to me in light of 9/11. The Mankind Search for God book doesn't cut it.

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    formerly "Theocracy Rules Again"

  • nowaytess

    I have read it from cover to cover at least 7 times. Each time I read it I get more out of it.

    I read a Daily version of the Bible. It is broken up in reading for each day of the year. You will finish the whole bible in a Year.

    I read the Daily bible in the New Living Translation.

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  • RedhorseWoman

    I was a good Dub....of course I read it all the way through. Don't think I'd care to do it again, though.

  • stillajwexelder

    Oh yes - I genuinely read it through about 6 or 7 times cover to cover - Chronicles is still a difficult read- also read the Koran twice, the Book of Mormon and Crisis of Conscience ALL editions

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    Nah, no way... I really didn't like the book. I had no interest whatever in reading any more of it that I had to, and didn't even attempt... well, once in a funny mood I started, but put it down after a page or two.

    Even though I was an MS doing public talks and all that stuff, I knew in total about five scriptures from memory... Gen 1.1; Rev 24.14; I Thess 4.11 (if I got the numbers wrong, it's the 'mind your own business' one), John 1.1... and that's about all. I'm serious. I had the idea of lots more, but putting a citation together with the text in my memory just took way more motivation than I had.

    I knew the book so poorly that I used to have to watch where the speaker to see where he turned the bible for the rarley used books (like anything except the gospels, Genisis and Revelation)... I got quite good at it really...

    I knew most of the content that I needed to survive from having heard it talked about so much and having read so much WT commentary on it, but really, on the bible I was like an illiterate person faking being able to read and write... but I knew the WT publications quite well so that was Ok to survive and thrive as a JW.

    I just didn't like the book, for one thing... it seemed to be the source of most of my problems.


  • GermanXJW

    No, I never managed that. :-( But I managed to read The Lord of the Rings last year. :-)

    @RR: Do you also have a schedule for reading the Reprints?

  • DanTheMan

    stillajwexelder, this is the third thread from 2001 I've seen you resurrect here this morning, just wanted to make sure you were aware that these are really really really old threads you're posting on here.

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