So... Where Are They?

by COMF 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • COMF

    I moved to my current location, a house in a quiet, friendly, family-oriented neighborhood, in July of this year. I've been here five months. I'm usually home on Saturday mornings and Sunday afternoons. I haven't had a single call from a JW. Not so much as an invitation or tract stuck in my door.

    Actually, I've been looking forward to their visit. I want to strike up a friendly conversation, full of wide-eyed innocent questions on my part, that leads to a return visit in which I have "taken time to look you up on the internet, and I have some questions..."

    So, where are they? I thought these big-city territories got worked every two weeks or so.


  • blondie

    Did you ask your neighbors if they have been called on recently? Most people are not home 24/7. Maybe you are a not-at-home in someone's bag that got misplaced.

  • Joseph Joachim
    Joseph Joachim

    I moved to Zurich's jewish neighborhood on September and I haven't seen a single Witness around. Actually I wonder if there are JW at all in this smart country.


  • Mindchild

    COMF, didn’t you know that the Watchtower pays the Russian’s to use their spy satellite to keep track of where apostates live? They are watching you man, every time you step out of your house, it is click, click, click…

    All those dubs in Bethel, they just process the information from the photo’s and automatically update all the J-dub computers across the USA for the don’t call file. This way dangerous thinking apostates like yourself can be avoided without upsetting the local dubs.

    And if you think that is something, all the Kingdom Halls are now bugged too, especially the infamous back room where the elders drag people across the carpet. The GB gets a kick out of that you know. LOL!

    Oh, and I’ve wondered the same damn thing. I haven’t had a dub knock on my door for years and after that one time, they never made that mistake again.


  • Flip
    I haven’t had a dub knock on my door for years and after that one time, they never made that mistake again.

    What do you think the reasons were for Jehovah's Witnesses no longer stopping by? If you acted harshly, overbearing, etc. towards them when they visited, do you think your attitude was helpful?

    Personally, I like the tactic when I meet a couple who've separated from the car group in the distance and are walking down the drive, I begin with, "...why, you folks don't look familiar. Are you lost? Can I help you find your way?"

    Depending on who's visiting, with an opening line like that...let the games begin.


  • COMF

    I'm with you, Flip. I don't understand the "don't call here" mentality. They are no threat me or my wellbeing, and I feel empathy for the individuals who call. I remember my own misery as a witness, and I am happy to be a ray of sunshine in their drab lives: a householder who really listens, an invitation inside, the offer of a cool glass of water or, if it's cold, a cup of coffee; permission to make the entire presentation without interruption; and, if they can keep up, stimulating conversation afterward.

    Sadly, I've only gotten to do this once since I left. But I'm hoping for more opportunities.

    And too, as you intimated, it's a challenge and an entertaining psychological exercise. Let the games begin, indeed!


  • fodeja

    I've been living in big-city territory not far away from the local bethel for almost three years now: not a single call so far. I haven't even _seen_ any JWs in door-to-door service. Only the occasional jdub lurking in the darkest part of the underground station, grim-faced, holding up his magazines with a frozen half-smile. But even that has become a rare sight.

    Before that, I used to live a mere 200 metres or so from a KH in a small town. Never seen any dubs out in field service, either. Just that one guy at the railway station. Always the same guy, for years.

    If you ask me, the much acclaimed door-to-door work is dead. The service hours statistics are a joke. Nobody gives a damn about the JWs, most people don't even know whether they still exist at all. At least around here, central Europe, that is.


  • nelly136

    havent seen one since '99 I moved here a couple of years ago
    and havent had the pleasure yet
    had sdas and
    mormons though so i guess the jws have lost the monopoly on this ground,

  • Julie

    Ah Comf, you are a kind hearted soul. While I cannot share your empathy with these poor souls I do as you do. I am nice to them, offer a drink (depending on weather), listen and then talk with them. I know there is no reason to be anything but nice to them as they really are victims. Of course they usually leave quickly when I explain why I don't think the bible is inspired, using the bible but we generally have a pleasant 20 mins. or so...

    Take care,

  • Satanus


    Good plan, but i think 'look you up on the internet' is going to cause alarm. That's good if that's what you want to do. If you said you heard something about them from a friend somewhere, you could probably keep them longer.

    My opinion

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