This Recent Influx Of Newbies

by str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • caliber

    right on Rob,

    Welcome! .... come forward..... take the bold leap .. ... Feel how good it is to have a voice because the WT hopes to silence

    us into despair , fear and depression !


  • Hope4Others

    I have to admit it gives me a real big smile!


  • treadnh2o

    I'm like you LittleRock. I lurked for 4+ years before my first post.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I cannot name, names, or give specifics. But in recent weeks I have noted somewhere in the area of 75 to a hundred new registrations. Of course that varies week by week.

    There are many lurkers here.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I lurked for a while then made a few posts. I really didn't post alot until late last year. The newbies will continue to check site out because people here do the research. I still keep getting new factoids.

  • WingCommander

    Honestly, I think newbie posts are up due to the wacked-out District Conventions this year. We are more than half way through summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and alot of people have gone to their DC's and have "woken up" to the outright hypocrisy of the Drama, as well as the continual bashing of education and then having two new pharisee books hanging over them as well isn't easy.

    Oh yeah, and the continual bashing of the internet or anything internet related has really got dubs thinking I believe. After so long, R&F are starting to wonder what all the fuss is about, what exactly is ON the internet, and they are letting their mouses do the walking. Of course, many are leaving or fading, and I'm sure they drop clues as why and one of them is what they learned about the WT past, doctines, false prophecies, etc which is all on the internet.


    Wing Commander

  • slimboyfat

    Are any of these Newbies from Scotland? If so feel free to contact me using the personal messaging service at the top left of the screen.

  • yourmomma

    the first thing that started my waking up process was something i heard at a convention. the society is killing itself with this strategy of tightening the grip. many of my witness friends are becoming disgruntled. it didnt used to be like this. the society is in the most troubling time its ever been in. every single on of my friends thought the 07 km was crazy and the talk about education by losh was crazy. these are people that at one time were zealous.

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    what they learned about the WT [...] etc which is all on the internet.


    I experienced that a few weeks ago. As soon as we learnt on JWD thet the book study would be suppressed from next january on, I arranged, by e-mail, for it to be known by a few JWs in my congregation and eventually two elders asked me how I had known, since the news had to be kept confidential until it was announced from the platform. I said that you can find everything on the internet and they were quite impressed. No more questions, so far.

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