A new book idea

by donny 6 Replies latest jw experiences

  • donny

    I am thinking of writing a book entitled "Reasoning With the Sisters." What are some chapter titles and scriptures I should consider?

  • stillajwexelder

    does pussy triumph above all else

  • parakeet

    Need more details. Fiction or non? About dubs or something else? Who's the intended audience -- dubs, exdubs, general population? What makes your book unique? What is the plot/purpose/content of the book? And, though I'm a little afraid to ask, why just "sisters"?

  • StAnn

    "Paying Attention to the Talk: How to write your husband's talks in words he commonly uses, so it won't be obvious that you wrote it."


  • OnTheWayOut
    What are some chapter titles and scriptures I should consider?

    "Even if you are right, remember they are brothers, you are just a sister."

    "Don't ever think it's alright because the elders do it. It's different for you."

    "Forget Elder or MS, the Greatest Privilege is Pioneer Service"

    "Men think, Women Feel. So Accept the Reasoning from Men."

  • donny
    Fiction or non? About dubs or something else? Who's the intended audience

    Well it's about JW's so it has to be fiction. The intended audience in anyone who has hard earned money they can throw away.

  • parakeet

    "Well it's about JW's so it has to be fiction. The intended audience in anyone who has hard earned money they can throw away."

    In that case, OnTheWayOut's suggestions are right on the mark.

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