WTBS to discontinue charging interest on all future loans!

by tsar_robles 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tsar_robles

    They just read this letter last night, where the FDS stated that they will no longer charge interest on contribution money they lend back to congregations as loans... I guess they realized they were double dipping... lol

  • chellechelle

    wow i didnt think they could , in good conscience, do that in the first place

  • SirNose586
    (Luke 6:35-36) 35 To the contrary, continue to love YOUR enemies and to do good and to lend [without interest], not hoping for anything back; and YOUR reward will be great, and YOU will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind toward the unthankful and wicked. 36 Continue becoming merciful, just as YOUR Father is merciful.

    Though I would like to believe they actually cracked open their Bibles to read what Jesus had to say on lending money to friends, I really wonder what prompted them to end this.

  • JWdaughter

    the internet led to them changing their policy. as long as just a few 'apostates' wrote books about it, no JW was ever likely to really put together all the crappy ass stuff the wts does. Now, all their perfidy is under a telescope, and they just can't get away with it all anymore-the hypocrisy is too glaring. So, the obvious stuff, they can stop doing--and we know in the JW world, that JWs are expected to hold the middle ages against the catholic church, but what the wt did last week is off limits as being 'ancient history'.

  • DaCheech

    you know, if i dared mention this 2 my 2 closest jw friends, they would just say "patience and all will fix itself" or "wait on jehovah"

  • yknot

    Probably threatened their non-profit status somewhere.....

    Expect the letter requiring that all KHs to close all bank accounts and to establish an account with the WTS. Got to make back that profit by pooling worldwide monies.....remember two letters making the suggestion to let the WTS hold local money has been sent within a years time.

  • lrkr

    Can we get a scan of the letter???

  • DaCheech

    how about congregations like mine that already had $$$$$$ in the societies holding?

  • Layla33
    "patience and all will fix itself" or "wait on jehovah"

    Cult-like explanations engrained in JWs to explain away and ignore the fallacy in the religion. Every time I hear that language I just want to throw up.

  • golf2

    How many years have they went against Biblical standards in not charging interest on your fellow brother? One such scripture is Lev.25:36, and there are others. How about helping the orphans and widows written in the book of James?

    They are founding wanting in these two categories.

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