Speaking of WTBTS illustrations, what's up with all the dress clothes?!

by Lady Zombie 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    Gruesome Armageddon illustrations aside, what's up with never drawing women wearing pants (unless they're worldly)?!

    Picturing them at the KH is one thing, but picturing "Christian" women (i.e. JW women) outside of the KH wearing dresses is a bit ridiculous.

    Even doing gardening, cleaning, or just walking around, freakin' dresses and skirts. In the Revelation book, there is even a picture (later chapter I think) that shows a woman standing on a ladder, picking fruit off a tree, in a long skirt.

    So, are proper JW women never allowed to wear pants? The WTBTS would have you think so.

    C'mon! No woman is going to do some gardening or clean her house in a dress. I think they even picture women exercising in skirts (i.e. wholesome walks with the family).

    Come to think of it, I don't think they ever picture women driving cars, or doing construction, or anything else that would suggest that women can do things other than be baby machines, housewives or pioneers.

    When I was a teenager, I used to think that I didn't want to live forever if that meant never being able to wear jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers again.

  • LockedChaos

    The WTBTS and the GB
    firmly believe in placing women
    on high pedestals.................
    ..........That way it's easier for them to peek up their skirts!!!

    Seriously, It's simply beyond the rule makers
    as to what really takes place in the real world
    and what it's like to work a real job.

    Talk about promoting a "Stepford" society.

  • blondie

    I've noticed that over the years, women in skirts but the men and boys running around in casual clothing.. Like anyone goes walking in the meadow with a dress and dress shoes. I remember in one publication a woman was on a ladder in a dress picking apples...I did point that out at the book study.

  • Finally-Free

    I seem to remember a picture of a family hiking on a mountain trail and the mother was wearing a dress.


  • burningbridges

    I fricken hate that!!!! A pet peeve of mine for years!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who the HELL is going to go to a picnic by a mountain in a dress? A DRESS? COME on now!!!!!!


  • snowbird

    Somebody got lost in the 50"s


  • hamilcarr
    I seem to remember a picture of a family hiking on a mountain trail and the mother was wearing a dress

    You mean this?

  • undercover

    Just 'cause the men and boys ain't wearing ties doesn't mean their wearing casual clothes. They're still wearing slacks and button-down shirts with the tails tucked in. I know that's how I dress when on a picnic in the woods or up on a ladder building a house.

    Even college preppies dress down more than the artist's depiction of how JWs should dress. Let's see some real clothes on these people. Shorts, tank tops, sandals. Blue jeans, t-shirts, sneakers, boots. Hats, ball caps, visors.

  • kerj2leev

    There is nothing wrong with dresses......especially hot little summer ones.

    I bet you would get more interest in the Convention this year with these!!!

  • james_woods

    It almost reminds me of the cotton prairie dresses and long pinned up hair of those FLDS stepford freakettes from the El Dorado ranch in the news last month.

    They used to say the suits, ties, and long dresses were "to show the world that we are respectable citizens" - but in todays world what this actually does is to make you stand out like Pee Wee Herman.

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