Democrat Congress Backs Down to Bush....Again

by owenfieldreams 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips
    Whats amazing is that I used to think that *I* was the only one who thought our Government was past redemption. It's difficult to find anyone now who approves of our appointed, er elected leaders.

    America is at an awkward stage, too late to work within the system and too early to lopping heads.


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Same old story. Once again Russ Feingold is the only Democrat with a spine.

  • Shawn10538

    Ships, glad to have you back! But, as usual I disagree with you. I say lets start lopping their heads off right now!

    Unfortunately, even though I have been a liberal and peace activist for many years, I am slowly realizing that being a Dalai Lama will only get you what Dalai Lama has gotten. Kicked out of his country never to return and lots of pain and death for his people.

    Therefore,I hope I am wrong about this, but... no I can't say it. You are right Ships, it's not quite time yet. After all, there are other places on the planet that are worse off than America obviously. Yes, we are all just drones of the ultra rich, but right now they are at war with other countries, especially third world countries. But, just in case things start progressing way too fast and they start asking us to implant RFIDs in our bodies, we all better get ready by taking advantage of our right to bear arms. At least we can take a few out before we take ourselves out.

    The other option is to abandon ship and get off the grid by living in the Wilderness beyond the tentacles of the government. But with all their satellite tracking systems and heat seeking devices, whatever, they'll be driving us below earth into the caves-all who oppose the will of the rich.

    The future is not bright. It's either live under the tyranny of man or the tyranny of god (you know, in the new system, Valhalla, utopia, Eldorado or Shangri-la or whatever the case may be).

    Can anyone else think of a better possible future? I would love to know someone else's best case scenario.

  • FlyingHighNow

    When the democrats eventually have enough seats to make the majority, then we'll see what happens. They don't have the number of seats at this time. That's what people, even democrats don't understand.

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