Cussing, swearing, & flippin' the bird....coping techniques?

by Lady Zombie 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    Since my strategy for flying under the radar is to put some face time in at meetings, I found it neccessary to develop coping techniques so the top of my skull doesn't fly off from the insanity that is the JWs.

    Profanity is one of my favorites.

    If the bullshit factor gets to the point during the meeting where I begin to feel like barfing (happens a lot), I slip off to the ladies loo and lock myself in a stall. Since no one can see me, I'll sit on the toilet and flip the bird at the ceiling and the cackling JW hens that come into the bathroom.

    When the final 'Amen' is sounded, I scoop up my purse and books and rocket out the door. Once in my car and with engine started and radio going, I start cussing. I see some self-righteous, pompous JW stroll out of the door and look disapprovingly at me because he or she hears some rock n' roll coming from my car, I'll say "...and you can just kiss my sweet ass you massive axxhole" and then smile and wave at them as I pull out of the parking lot.

    Once home, I've been known to let out with such a stream of profanity, it has melted off the siding from houses, caused birds to lose their feathers, and orbiting spacecraft to crash into the Atlantic.

    Decency prohibits me from repeating most of it. Suffice it to say, my lovely "worldly" friends assure me that even the most salty, rum soaked sailor would blush crimson at my utterances.

    Is it the most lady like or refined way to cope? Assuredly no, but it is a whole lot of *&^%$ @#*&& ##^*& fun!


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Sounds rather unstable.

  • Finally-Free

    Many times as I pulled out of the parking lot a JW would smile and wave at me. With my window shut I'd smile and wave back, at the same time saying, "Yeah, yeah, yeah! F*ck you, asswipe!"


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Once while taking the Witnessing group out I was vaccuming my car when the plug kept coming out...."Mother F@@@er!! Just as a Pioneer Sister put her head in to say hello...I apologised but she said she didn't hear anything.

  • changeling

    I think it's like when a kid whose lived in a very controlling and strict environment suddenly goes off to college and goes beserk. They don't know what to do with the freedom. In time hopefully they calm down and learn some healthy coping skills.

    changeling :)

  • loosie

    well now that I am out I have lots of anger to dispurse. I write letters. I started them off saying Dear Bro. C*#@Sucker or Dear Bro. A$$W*&^

    Just labeling the letterswith their NEW names kept me smiling for days.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    I've found cussing to be a great coping technique too.

    Yes it is immature, but it feels great.

    I'll grow up some other time.

    Oops, I meant to say..... I'll f*cking grow up some other time!

  • Quirky1

    It does ease the pressure..

    FF-I've done that a few times!

  • feenx

    Make a sailor blush?? now THAT is talent heh heh. Well you just keep on truckin! Sounds like a healthy outlet to me. Just don't let one slip out in any "mandatory" Watchtower study comments, lol. Though I'd pay money to see all their faces.

    Indigo Insight

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie
    Sounds rather unstable.

    I see that the tendency to be a judgemental *&^%$ doesn't go away once one has left the bOrg.

    Everyone, I do have other constructive, mature coping mechanisms. I just engage in one that I know would freak out 99% of JWs.

    Like riding my motorcycle is another.

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