Why there will always be Jehovah's Witnesses.

by TooBad TooSad 10 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • TooBad TooSad
    TooBad TooSad

    There will always be Jehovah's Witnesses because:

    1. There will always be people who can not think for themselves.

    2. There will always be people who need to be told how to dress, what to do on vacation, what

    to do on the weekends, how much education you should have, and what married couples can do in bed.

    3. There will always be people who are willing to put thier lives on hold as they wait for better times.

    4. There will always be people who, because they can not make a decision, enjoy being told what

    to do, when to do it, and how to do it.

    5. There will always be people who don't know the difference between a real true friend and a

    "friend" with strings attached.

    6. There will always be people who are gullible.

    7. There will always be people who are emotional wrecks and need structure in their lifes.

    8. There will always be people who enjoy the power and authority over others that comes with

    being an elder, even though they have no skills or training in dealing with sensitive family or

    personal issues.

    9. There will always be people who enjoy the martyrdom of feeling the "persecution" or the

    feeling of being looked down on because of thier beliefs.

    10. There will always be people who can not admit that they were wrong.

    The problem that the Witchtower Babble and Trick Society has is that the above descriptions

    suit about 50% of their current membership. The other 50% just don't know better and all they

    need is a little information to get them thinking about their belief system. That is the bogyman

    in the closet that the WTBTS is trying to not let out.

    TooBad TooSad

  • Rapunzel

    Wasn't it P.T. Barnum who said - "There's a sucker born every minute"? He was right. I should know. At one point in my life, I swallowed the whole Witness fraud, "hook, line, and sinker," as the expression goes.

  • BluesBrother

    I agree that there will always be people who......but lets hope that it wont always be WTS!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Untill the "end of the world".....for real this time!.....eventually, the Sun will run out of power, and expand destroying the Earth.....the 1 Billion Witnesses on earth, with 20 Billion people, will still be preaching about Armagedon.....the rest of mankind will be boarding space ships for Alpha Centari.

  • still wondering
    still wondering

    Absolutely spot on, except from my experience easily the majority fall into this description, possibly 80 to 90%.

    Why so high? Because those that do not fall into the category that you have so accurately described will leave. Decent, honest individuals and those who sincerely seek the truth form a constant stream of people deserting the wts leaving behind a morass who are not.

  • Hellrider

    There will always be Jehovahs Witnesses, because there will always be people dumb enough to believe anything. Think about this:

    Scientologists actually believe that millions of years ago, an evil alien space-lord named Xenu, enslaved all the other aliens in the universe and put them in spacecrafts that looked remarkably like DC-9s (ha ha), and flew them to earth. On earth, they were placed in the volcanos on Hawai (like in Lilo and Stitch), and nuked. The souls of these aliens stayed here on earth, and they are haunting the souls of us humans ever since. And so, Scientology is the "key" to ridding oneself of these alien spirits that are haunting us.

    If that`s not wacko, how about this:

    Mormons believe that jews left the middle east, and travelled to America. Then Jesus visits America (ha ha) to tell them that everything in the Bible is a-okey, except for a few things, that he needed to correct. All of it is written down by an angel, and the angel then visits Joseph Smith, and tells him where to find some "golden plates", written in ancient Egyptian. Smith didn`t know Egyptian, but no worries, the plates "appeared to him" in English. Oh, and people with black skin are the result of a curse.

    So, compared to this, there is no wonder jws do well. They are wacko too, but the point is: The fact that scientologists and mormons exist, proves that there is an abundance of idiots out there. Brainwashing is surprisingly easy. So, there will always be jws on the planet. They might call themselves something else, sometime in the future, but that will just be another wacko name for the same wacko people.

  • Quirky1

    I didn't need to here this.

  • alanv

    I'd say you really hit the nail on the head. There are as you say many who really need someone else to make their decisions for them. They are and will always be spiritual babes.

    There are also as you say many who have just been totally misled, but now with the imfo. that is available to all on the internet have a real chance of making a life for themselves apart from the Watchtower.

    It is with sites like this one that we can all help these individuals.

  • james220

    I agree, there will always be people like that, because to the types of people you are discribing this way of life appeals to them. there is a older sister in my congration who can never make a decision for herself, so this way of life is perfect for her. also there are some people who just will not believe that scientist say about how the world was created, so the JW life and what goes with the life fits in with what they want to hear,


  • Layla33

    You can pretty much say the same thing for religion itself. All it is about is man trying to interpret "God" and each different religion gives their own spin.

    We are all trying to collectively and individually interpret the world and there were always been segments that group together and believe the same thing - creating their own version of "the truth" in the process. It's human nature, it's philosophy and that's what we do as we live in the world. We try to make sense of it. Religion is one of those products. End of story.

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