WT undergoing "Invisible Growth"

by Gerard 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Gerard

    It is astonishing in the fact of such transparent lies and fantasies that this religion has any adherents at all.

  • DoomVoyager

    I honestly didn't believe this bullshit could be real... but I've got the articles right here! They're in the July 15th WT, (kool-aid edition of course). The articles are entitled "It is God who makes it grow!" and "You do know know where it will have success!" They include brand new lies about the parables of the of the Sower and the different soils, the Sower who sleeps, the mustard grain, the leaven, and the dragnet.

    Here are some choice quotes:

    "The subjects of God's Kingdom will eventually encompass the earth. All opposers will have been removed."
    "In this illustration, the birds represent right-hearted ones who seek protection within the CONFINES of the Christian congregation."
    "Growth is not always visible to human eyes."
    "...although an element may on once occasion have a negative connotation in the Scriptures, on another occasion the same element may be used to represent something positive." (I guess Jehoober just can't make up his mind!)
    "We may not see growth initially..."
    "Not only is this growth unseen to human eyes, but it is also pervasive."
    "...this growth has not always been readily discernable or understood..."

    I just made myself sick.

  • parakeet

    Message to local KH: Up to now, I have refused to talk with dubs at my door. But with this new light, I will now permit only those dubs who are part of the invisible growth to come to my house. I will buy as many invisible books and invisible WTs they have to sell as long as they don't mind taking invisible money.

  • anonochan
  • Dune

    LMAO, an 'invisible bra' ad just popped up for this thread.

  • Gerard
    "Not only is this growth unseen to human eyes, but it is also pervasive."
    "...this growth has not always been readily discernable or understood..."

    The Washtower Babble and Trick Society has no shame. Or is that invisible shame?

  • tryingtounderstandjws

    I tried to convince my girlfriend I had some invisible growth, but she wasn't feeling it.

  • bite me
    bite me

    aside from the invisible return of jesus, this is the most stupid invisible shit I have ever heard. what in the world are they teaching and why? geez no wonder they don't want people to further their education._anyone with a sound mind would see that this is all a bogus lie. when I think of invisible I think of magic and stuff like that. I thought jw's aren't supposed to touch on that. I wish there was a way to wake these people up. if it is invisible no one can see it. I told that to my friend and what they said was we cannot see the oxygen but we know its here. we can't see jesus we know he's here. then I said okay. then I asked what the bible meant about every eye will see jesus when he returns. he said that's not literal and again said he's been here since 1914. that date is going to make me suicidal!

  • Steve_C
    I tried to convince my girlfriend I had some invisible growth, but she wasn't feeling it.


  • lilybird

    I agree with some other posters here that there are that group of dubs who will believe anything written or spoken by the governing body.My mother-in-law is a perfect example. She loves to hear about all these new "truths".She figures she is in a very "special crowd of people" by going along with all this crap.The funny thing is she is also a well educated nurse(now retired) who also believed in higher education for all her sons.

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