growing up witness

by milligal 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • asimpleservant

    Again, I did not mean any offense. I didn't "get out" at age 17 I did however seize an opportunity not many others got. A close relative in California offered to let me come and stay with his family while I weathered a spat of trouble with some other youths in my congregation. While there I continued to serve and go in the ministry a bit. It was just weird the whole theme of the congregation in Southern California vs. Indiana was a great deal different. These new differences afforded me a real chance to put my mind in a different area. I continued as a witness until age 23. I was married as a Witness, to a Witness and led a very typical "witness" life according to most witnesses. (Try saying that three times fast!) I guess I'm trying to just throw light on a different perspective for variety's sake. Being raised in the "truth" I learned early on what we were doing. We were taught, trained, raised to find a tactic, a method that would not only get what we wanted across but also get it agreed with. I became by the age of 10 in absolute awe with the hold the Organization could have over a single person and the things it could make them do. Then it dawned on me. It wasn't some invisible organization doing it. It was me, others. Us. From then on the Ministry School, Service Meetings and Field Service took on a whole new meaning to me and became a training tool. It wasn't the doctrine or the 'word' that I was learning from. It was the functioning and the timing of the Organization itself that was teaching me. It was the example I was following. POs, COs and DOs were prime examples for me oh how you gather, group and conduct a group of people. How you motivate and orchestrate things that wouldn't normally be possible. I will come out and state that no I am not proud looking back on how I acted with my knowledge. I have personally done some very despicable things. It is a learning process every day that I'm alive. I have a vague hope that I can at least awaken SOMEONE to the fact that beneath all the scars the Organization left you with that they also have you a very valuable tool. Again, do not hold anything personal against me, I was merely (as always) speaking from personal opinion. If I did offend I surely didn't mean it that way. Some times I am very swift to attack from left field when I am only trying to help in the means of being the Devil's Advocate, or Russell's Advocate. Have a good night!

  • milligal

    Asimpleservant: I think I understand what you are getting at. I think another aspect of this topic is that -while the JW way of doing things did convince people-it typically convinced people who were simple in a likeminded way-not educated or 'down and out'. When you think about the countries that JW's have the most success in, it's always the third world countries where people have nothing else and are easily swayed to believe something better.

    Maybe you picked up some good tips, maybe we are the strong ones who survived and moved on, but I wouldn't credit the JW mindmelt too much for that. They simply took advantage of emotionally needy people. That's not a good thing.

    I'm glad you got yourself to a good place in your life and that you had the courage to do it at a young age.

  • song19

    nameless_one... nicely put!

  • Thechickennest

    It has been interesting to read the comments in this post. While all of us spent various amounts of time in the organization and we all took away some life skills that we could use witness, or post witness......what the sad part is we got a raw deal in trade for those life skills. Some of us lost so many years in the organization that we have come out the other side middle-aged and old-aged. The chance for some of us to learn a new trade or get a degree is limited by our life expectancy post witness. One other thing....I don't care how much good we brought out with us from the organization, the organization is not the ideal place to learn life skills. We came from an organization that hides pedophiles, lies to its captives, breaks promises, treats people that dare to have an independant thoughts like Hitler treated his opposers, that in his opinion they were not entitled to have a life. Let's not give the JW organization too much credit!

  • justhuman

    It was one of the most bad expierience in my life. If only my dad didn't follow the false prophets made in US.

    Some tips regarding to what asimpleservant said in this topic.

    In my case WT indeed screw my life. I didn't finished high school and began pioneering because the end was near. Yeah it was the 80's and the generation was just about to entered new system. So I did pioneer many years until 1995 when the "new light"came out.

    My school years really suck. I was the most poor in the class and I was treated like an extra terrestrial.No birthdays, no Christmas, prayer in the morning, just to name a few. Plus in my country we had a serious problem with neutrality and this costs a lot. Some they have being to prison from 2-4 years. So when you ask for a job and your record says that you were in prison what chances do you have for getting a job? Even when you apply for a job you have to give certificate from the Defense Department that you completed your army obligations. So emloyers don't like to hire someone who didn't finished the Army because is pending issue.

    On the other hand that I really hated was young JW's that they were from wealthy families managed to get discent jobs, and now most of them are respectful elders in the WT world. Also regarding my JW's relatives most of them are Architects, civil enginners,some they own and run building contracting companies giving them LOT of money. Again they are respectful elders in the WT world.

    In my case I do blame WT for my mess. When I started to run a radio station of my own the "elders"came and asked me to stop if I wanted to continue to have my privelleges. Just to have a radio station licence today cost thousands of dollars. Also the same happened with music. Again they were after me because I played in band.

    In just few moths when I realize what was happening in the WT world I left. I was 33. I have spend 14 years of my life working for JW's (the last one is a millionere)employers and going out there in the real world it was a big challenge. I had to face all the problems I mentioned above. I was Mr Nobody. Plus I was 33 and I had a family to support. Now at the age of 40 still working 2-3 jobs to survive because no one will hire a 40 year old guy with no education and skills.

    WT ruined my life and I do blame them how I ended up. I'm sure many feel the same because WT is a Mind Destructive Cult, that destroyed the lifes of thousands of people

  • milligal

    justhuman-I am really sorry to hear about what you have been through and I know your pain. My husband also quit school because of being forbidden by his mother to attend college. In our case the happy ending was that he finished his highschool diploma later in life and is now in college. But it has been rough, and I certainly know that with kids and three jobs it is nearly impossible to get your education. I do hope you find a happy ending, even if it is giving your children what you did not get-freedom to have an education and career. Best wishes.

  • Quandry

    The chickenist said:

    what the sad part is we got a raw deal in trade for those life skills. Some of us lost so many years in the organization that we have come out the other side middle-aged and old-aged. The chance for some of us to learn a new trade or get a degree is limited by our life expectancy post witness.

    Yes, how true. When my husband and I woke up, we had been in over thirty years. I am fifty-six now and am in college, but have to work full time. Can't take but one class at a time. I don't think there is a chance for me to finish.

    My husband? Well, elder for twenty years. Self-employed, of course, until he could no longer work outside. He did, to his credit, learn a new trade. For a year we had to live off what little savings we had, and my job. His job now just doesn't pay much, but he does work inside. I cry for him because he is very smart but at fifty-eight, start college now?

  • Carlos_Helms

    "As scary it sounds, I see it as a valuable skill. No instead of furthering the interests of the Satanically Driven Faithful Slave. I can use my training in benefit of me. And I have been for many years. So say what you want about how it was so bad when you were a Witness and how out of the loop you were. You didn't see the big picture. You didn't learn the lessons or let the Organization teach you by it's TRUE example. I did these things and I have to say. My dreams were as easy as showing up to an interview with a smile a suit and a briefcase. -Story over."

    Well...I think this is just brilliant.

    The Society ripped you off? You were dealt some bad cards? Too bad. You still have to play the hand you're dealt. There is no time like the present.

    I admire those who pay the game of life with gusto. If you aren't dead (or nailed down), you can make something of yourself. Take stock of yourself and care about what becomes of you. Even if you're an 11th-hour worker, the pay can be pretty decent.

    Get up, get out and get it done.


  • strawberry cake
    strawberry cake

    I use to praise the WT for the expert training they give, when I thought they were the 'bees knees!'
    Not anymore..

    I've read better family books
    I've had better spiritual advice,and advice in general
    I've met people with more love.
    Listen to better charismatic work.
    Been treated better
    See organizations function better.
    Met nicer people

    I once thought, JWs have taught me to talk to people, look people in the eyes and to listen to their point of view.

    I found however that I had taken with me a judgmental way and I have a way of always having an answer to just about every subject. I'm sure this will irritate people. I am aware of it.

    Also I'm learning that there are views different from mine that are just as valid and that I don't have to change their view.

    so Personally I can't credit them easily.
    xxx SC

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