has anyone needed Meds to get thru this process???

by New light for you 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • HSS1971

    While I was in, or even before we got married, my wife convinced me to take Zoloft and stay on Zoloft. Zoloft always made me feel I was'nt quite me. I always felt like I had someone elses brain transplanted into me while on Zoloft. Anyways I ran out of Zoloft shortly before she left me for the last time. Since then I went back to smoking pot. I don't smoke cigs at all. Now I smoke pot and drink my gourmet coffee. And sometimes beer. I am so glad I now feel like my entire self. I actually feel like I'm HAPPY within.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    As already covered, start with a THERAPIST or psychologist, not an expensive psychiatrist until you're sure you need medicating. Prescription anti-depressants probably won't help you at all unless you really have a chemical imbalance of the brain. Although I believe the bOrg can actually exacerbate even the slightest chemical imbalance with their wackiness, unless you have already had symptoms of clinical depression, meds won't really help. In my case, as soon as I started taking SSRIs for my depression, I came to realize that Hojovah's Organization was really a cult. SSRIs have not given me a happy, stress-free attitude on life, they just help be keep balanced and avoid languishing in the emotional doldrums. I still have problems, I'm just able to take them in stride and deal with them as best I can.

    B the X

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