i'm not as strong as I seem.. .what would you say?

by New light for you 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • New light for you
    New light for you

    Hey gang...

    Can we be a gang? that would be a fun "anit-witness" thing to do ... but more to the subject.....

    I realize that saturday at our elders meeting we're gonna give them our DA letter. This is DAMN EMOTIONAL stuff. I feel like i'm shaking all the time and have had a stomache ache for at least a month now.

    So I want to go to a few of my best friends over the next couple days and say "goodbye". I want to be able to hug them, cry, and do it right.

    WHAT would you say? I was thinking of "I cant be a witness anymore. I love you so much ,and dont want to lose you, but i know what is going to happen and what the consequences will be. " ... i dont know.

    I'm just going to miss everyone so much- i dont know how to take it. I sound so "tough" talking about how exciting my new life is going to be, daughters birthday party etc. but... truth is ... this SUCKS! my heads gonna explode!!! I'm gonna need a drinkin day with everyone, probably all weekend... who wants to go drinkin?>?????

  • jamiebowers

    Maybe you should write a letter detailing what made you change your mind about the WTB&TS, make copies of it and give to friends in case things get too emotional. You don't have much time, though, since it is already Thursday. I know this is difficult, but for me, it was the best thing that ever happened. Good luck and God bless.

  • Hope4Others

    If you were't so far away I'd say I'd join the fun beer/wine and lots of laughs....

    I know this will not be easy for you Saturday...

    ....hang on to hubby to help you through this.

    So I want to go to a few of my best friends over the next couple days and say "goodbye".

    If that's the plan for the D'a then at least you might be able to get out why you believe as you do now to those you have been close

    to...perhaps it may or may not make them think a bit.

    Best of luck,


  • megsmomma

    I wish I had words of wisdom for you....I do like jamebowers advise....something you can give out to friends, telling them to "only read it if they want to know what is causing you to leave"...that way it is up to them and you are not trying to "force" them to read "apostate" things. You never know what kind of seeds you may be planting though....and you may get some friends back.

    And, I am sure there are many in our "gang" that would be happy to drink with you!!

  • flipper

    NEW LIGHT- It sounds to me like you are not totally convinced that you want to DA , or go out that way ? If it's causing you this much stress, perhaps you should continue a quiet fade; as opposed to going out with cymbals, bells, and drums crashing ! Just a thought. It might be less openly traumatic for you and your friends. But it's you and hubbys choice- just showing you a different view here. Hang in there, take care, Mr. Flipper

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Hey NL4U,

    If you want to be part of our gang you have to git sum tattoos done in some unchristian places....lol...

    I hear you about the friends... the best thing to do is to call them up or invite them over and explain your decision. You'll get them thinking. You can also do it after Saturday, since they won't announce it until the next service neeting. So depending on the meeting nite, you have maybe a week... You can invite them on Sunday or Monday, or later... Once the announcement is made most if not all will not touch you guys anymore than they will touch maggots in a pile of old garbage... But it's their loss. You guys are really cool people. You will have plenty of new friends. When is that B-day party coming up again?

    Now that you will be DA you can join the elite DA gang. No faders allowed. Sorry flipper.


  • babygirl75

    If you are stressing over it this bad, maybe you just need to step back & breathe!!! Why the hurry to meet with the elders? It seems like you may need more time to really think through everything. You may need to visit your friends and have a good heart to heart with them. To get this done by Saturday isn't going to give you much time and having that timeline is just going to add more stress to you. Please take your time and make the right decision for yourself. Believe me, I understand the need to break free,it just seems you need more time to do it right and the way that will give you peace.

  • dinah

    Just breathe!----Best advice anyone ever gave me when I woke up. So many things go through your mind at lightning speed, it's hard to deal with it.

    Don't rush yourself. The world will still be here when you join us.

  • New light for you
    New light for you


    Thank you so much. I think you're all right...It is too soon if i'm gonna have a breakdown. I'll see if Robert7 could get them to reschedule... or put it off awhile... as we TOLD HIM ORIGINALLY AND HE DIDN"T LISTEN CUZ HE"S A WUSS!!!

    Awakened... yea! birthday party on July 19th! you're all invited! but you have to sing the song!!!

  • tryingtounderstandjws

    I wish my friend had the courage to leave as you've shown. You're leaving something that has been a part of your life. You will need time to process the feelings and go through the stages of separation. Don't stop talking to people about how you are feeling during this process. It sounds like you will be happier. I've never been a witness, I only had a good friend who is and I saw the organization pull her life apart and I could only stand by with support and couldn't do too much more. She made a decision to stay and now she is even more miserable than before. I think that type of person needs to worry, You on the other hand, sound like you're going to be OK. It's just going to be rough the first time you say it out loud. Peace

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