my autonomy is soon to be over....DF'd on the horizon

by wings 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • JK666


    I have read through your thread, and have felt the bifurcated feeling you are experiencing. I wish that this cup could be taken from you, but pain is necessary to facilitate future growth.

    As for writing a DA letter, I am afraid that the elders will try to meet with you anyway after sending it. You meeting with them is probably not an option, unless you flat refuse to. You can probably put it off, but it will be like living in limbo, not knowing when they are going to show up.

    I am available to talk any time.


  • IP_SEC
    my autonomy is soon to be over

    Wings, autonomy means not having to answer to anyone for anything. Sounds to me like your autonomy is just beginning.

  • wings
    Discretion is the better part of valor

    Flipper, I love is so true, I needed a reminder. He WILL make moves to have them come see me. I know it, so I just best get ready, and get my emotions in balance. JWD is good for that....just when I think I am ready to flip out, I am encouraged to take it in and think about it first.

    Thank you.

    Sounds to me like your autonomy is just beginning. are right I hope....been through so much....just a little more of a push, and I'll be there.

    I never left Jehovah. I left a cult that is leading you straight to eternal separation from God

    Honesty, I have had my faith blasted into small pieces....glad you can have such clarity on your faith. Yes separation from God...I can relate to.

  • penny2
    A fade....a collision of honesty and deception. While the honesty and freedom of thought is growing inside of you, layers of facade are carefully added and taken away in order to protect and facilitate the delicate balance of "real life", while trying not to disturb the "other life".

    I enjoyed that description.

    The phrase I used most in explaining my position to JWs was, "I'm not going to meetings." Most really didn't know what to say after that (then you can change the subject to something normal - like the weather, or their health).

    When elders called and asked what my problem was, I said I'd "lost my faith". They offered to get someone to study with me and I said I could study by myself. That's 10 years ago and they've never been back.

    Sometimes the fear of what might happen is worse than the reality. That's easy for me to say in hindsight, of course. And not all elders are as "inattentive" as the ones in my neighbourhood.

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