Fallout From GB Anti-College Letter – This Will Cause Problems!

by Seeker4 179 Replies latest members private

  • sir82
    So does your religion die from a lack of funds or a lack of members?

    On another thread I speculated about this (my specialty )

    I suspect that the thinking is, they will move completely out of Brooklyn some time in the next 10 to 15 years, and thus stand to rake in billions by selling their prime Brooklyn properties.

    I think they are thinking they can survive a downturn in contributions for many years, and would prefer to have a smaller core of ignorant but intensely loyal followers.

    The sale of properties will buy them a few more decades, and time to develop a longer term plan for their survival.

  • sf

    I'm with mark on this...just take it. Or get a picture of it with a cellphone. I mean, come on people. How hard is to get near ANY bookbag in a kh? SEEKER4 SAYS: [[and would love to have the world know that JWs threaten their congregational leaders with removal if they don't discourage their kids from going to college. There is a very obvious reason this letter is only in the hands of COs. The WTS KNOWS how damaging this would be to their image if it was made public.]] And just as soon as it is scanned or whatever, it WILL be public. I intend on making it so in my community and that of where I grew up. So someone get that letter please. sKally

  • besty

    The WTS is like any other business - trying to ascertain what their customers want and supplying that at a benefit to themselves.

    Its not too much of a stretch to realise that the western world has had its day with the JW's - at best 'growth' in this region will mirror population growth/decline. Post-Christian society spreading from Europe outwards, the Internet, the negative correlation between advanced education and belief in God all contribute to this pattern amongst western nations.

    So the WTS focus is sure to be on high growth southern hemisphere regions, namely Central and Latin America and Africa. Economically and culturally and socially many of these nations are where the West was 50 years ago. And therefore susceptible to the same stock in trade tools of a cult - endtimes prophecy, black and white thinking, them and us mentality, good v evil etc.

    And what better personification of evil than 'worldly wisdom, sophisticated ideas, smooth reasonings' found in a college education. Far better to make busy in the Lords work as this system nears it end. Bear in mind that these nations have been getting f*cked by 'the system' for many centuries now and another reason to reject conventional wisdom will sit easily with them.

    In the West a college education is viewed by many as a basic level starting point - the WTS were correct when they quoted - ...out of .....context...of course..... - that a college education does not guarantee anything in todays job market. Agreed. But the lack of a degree does guarantee that you will be really up against it. Also a degree is a reasonably realistic aspiration for most kids in school.

    On the other hand for the WTS target audience in the developing countries a degree is not realistic in any case - their best chance of power and prestige is on a plate for them elsewhere - yep you guessed it - toe the WTS line and rise through the ranks from the Awake! University on through to the MTSchool and maybe even Gilead - now what more could you want from a career path?

    So fundamentally in these nations the WTS is banning something that isn't available - fantastic. Great move. Convince the sheeple they are all individuals - "Yes, we are all individuals" they say in unison.

    How many janitor elders do you know that derive every last drop of significance they have from the fact they can counsel another brother about something that bugs them personally? Its their one and only route to being in charge, of something, anything, anybody, so long as they are in charge. So from a WTS perspective demonizing an unattainable objective is a classic cult technique as it creates a shared enemy and therefore the sort of unanimity they require. Masterful. Remove the means to thinking and self-awareness and replace it with a WTS set of goals and objectives - the creation of an army of flesh and blood robots no less.

    We in the West, on the other hand, have heard that tune before and are immunized, to some extent.

    Yes it will create fallout here in the West, but consider the effect on the 2/3rds of the global population yet to make a phonecall.

  • LovesDubs

    Seeker....I would like your opinion as to why thisis only being directed at Elders? Why if not going to college is so important, isnt this information being directed at ALL JWs? It seems unfit to single out the elders that have college age kids and allow the rank and file to go to college without sanctions doesnt it?

    Im amazed at the level of FEAR "Gods Chosen People" have of the world. So much for believing that God will provide or God will protect or the World cant hurt us because we are Jehovahs People...Apparently someone is very afraid of what is out there.

  • grassyknoll07

    We had our CO visit last week. The CO mentioned that the decision to disqualify an elder will be made by the BOE. The BOE has to determine if the elder's child is 'promoting' higher education. Promoting can be verbal or by actions. He gave a couple of examples... If an elder has a son that goes to college full time and is doing well spiritually (pioneers every once in a while) and doesn't speak of college in a positive tone -- the elder may keep his privileges. If an elder has a daughter/son that goes away to college... he is disqualified. Or a daughter/son that lives at home but boasts about education -- the elder is disqualified. He made no distinction between 2 and 4 year college. He posed an interesting question... If an elder's child is strong spiritually, but others are beginning to imitate him and are using him as an example to attend college -- should the elder be disqualified? The correct answer is MAYBE… The matter needs to be addressed and if it is determined the kids education is having a negative effect on the congregation (promoting college) he should step down. He mentioned that the 'spirit' of this is not to go around looking for reason to disqualify elders, but to focus young ones on kingdom interest.

  • done4good

    I agree with the posters that claim this is basically a "least common denominator" issue...

    Basically, it comes down to a corporate decision. Like any corporation, the WTS is/has been analyzing its growth to loss ratio. While still growing, they have come to see that growth is only in countries where education is a luxury, (if at all reasonably attainable), and very hard times are a fact of life.

    Too many educated r&f members are a long term threat to the organization. Not so much because they themselves will eventually leave, but becasue they have the critical thinking ability and knowledge to convince the less educated of the fallicies of the organization. They simply can't afford to lose that group. It's their bread and butter.

    So, they have decided to take the calculated risk of potentially loosing their educated members. How many are there, really? Even if they lost 2 million members in the next five years, (not likely), that would still leave them with almost 5 million dedicated drones. Meanwhile, congregations would shrink, they can sell off properties, and restructure their finances while they figure out how to exist for the next couple of decades. Simple, cold hearted, calculated business decision -that's all.

    It all seems to be falling into place now...eliminate the CBS, reduce the need for qualified elders, make the requirements for eldership undesirable for most, if not completely unattainable for some, let the chips fall as they may, sell off what you don't need, and keep the rest for themselves....What a bunch of evil SOBs....I so pissed...

  • sammielee24
    Unless a daring soul snags his briefcase and walks out of the hall with it. ;-) Or plants a VOX MP3 recorder in the hall the night before the elder's meeting with the CO. I bet an MP3 of this, with the accompanying discussion and tone of voice, would be more damaging than just the outline itself.

    Let's hope that someone on the board will tape record the meeting and then put it up for us all to hear. All the meetings haven't been held yet so there's still time!.........sammmieswife.

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    Cindy_67, I had to laugh when I read your post. When I took psychology 101, I did my paper on mind control cults too. During one class the instructor had us go around the room and share the topics of our papers. Afterward, another student came up to me and asked me why I had chosen that topic. When I told her, she said that she was a former Witness too. It seems a lot of us are interested in that subject! I had no problem finding information for research at the library. Good luck!

  • VM44

    This "no college" letter has to be put up on the internet!

    Somebody, get that letter!

  • White Dove
    White Dove
    Just the thought of elders' and ms's kids working at McD's and living in their parents' basements is enough for not a few to step down and give the kids a boot into college. A hs diploma get you only into college or McD's, and no where else. No one with brains is going to listen to this tripe.

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