Hihlights (lowlights) of new Young People Ask book

by stillajwexelder 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    So this was released yesterday at the Kansas City DC -By the way, for the first time in living memory no GB speaker. Got one from Patterson Bethel instead

    Young People Ask answers that work Volume 2 - the first 5 chapters are on the opposite sex.

    Chaper 28 is How Can I avoid Homosexuality - contains phrases such as "bi-curious" etc

    Chapter 29 How Can I keep my mind off sex (pray, ministry - yes, yes, yes)

    Chapter 33 Why avoid Pornography

  • FlyingHighNow

    Bi-curious, bet a lot of people went back to the motels and shook in their boots over that one.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Keeping my mind off sex was easy as a dub. I simply pioneered, studied the bible and the societies publications, listened to the elders and tried to imitate their fine example, it was really pretty easy, ohh and I cant forget prayer and supplication.

    That and jacking off 3 times a day.

  • SirNose586

    Darth rules...

  • FlyingHighNow

    Keeping the mind on pure, wholesome matters....

    Being a JW drove me to literal exhaustion, the kind the actors and actresse used to collapse into.Where you have nothing left to give physicall or emotionally. You fall and you don't get up for a while. Andy told me me it was because I was trying so hard to be something I wasn't and fighting my true nature. I guess I was rather like the Patti Loveless song I'm That Kind of Girl : not the lady in the red, not the girl next door but something in the middle. With the governing body there is no middle. You're either pure as the driven snow or you are a whore/whore hopper. What a load of exhaustion they heap on the youth and adults alike. You really can't change your nature, but you can just about die tryin'.

  • shamus100

    Haha, Darth.

  • CunningMan

    Perhaps they'll advise young people to take up running as a regular excise routine. Run away from those gay thoughts. They'll call it "The Leo Greenlees Guide to Purging Your Gayness." Next thing you know, they'll have new provocative headlines for the Watchtower like "Does Your Son's Breath Smell Like Bleach?" and "Gays, are they Icky?" and "Is Your Penis a Toy?" Look forward for some brilliant stuff.

  • White Dove
    White Dove
    Oh yeah, I'm with Darth on this one. I wonder who will get the masterbation talk assignment. In my old hall it was a 20 something year old guy. I could see his face turn red. Why do they assign youth to give talks on masterbation and sex, anyway?
  • White Dove
    White Dove
    They listed all of my favorite topics!
  • dwtnphotog

    I'm with Darth! The only way to not think about sex is to jack off 7 times a day!

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