Were YOU Personally Afraid of The "Demons"???

by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • joannadandy

    lmao @ ninja

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    Sure, when I still believed in all this crap and the spirit world. My mother used to say that she could tell if a householder was demonized.

    "I started walking towards the door when I got goosebumps all over. I just felt 'dread' at the prospect of going any further up the walk so I turned around and left. Once I got back into the car, the feeling went away. It had to have been demons! Remember, if you feel scared for no apparent reason, that's demons!"

    Good grief!

    Now I know that every so-called demonic or sprit phenomena can be rationally explained. Even premonitions of danger.

    The folks however still believe in them.

    Also, here's what I never did understand. You were not supposed to 'test Jehovah' by purposely inviting demons to you and then driving them out. But, your average JW doesn't go around calling demons to them. So when a supposed demon attack occurs, shouldn't Jehovah step in and shoo them away? So all these devout JWs who reported demonic activity happening to them, how was that explained? A random demon attack? I thought demons only outright attack someone if they're challenged. I thought demons only "influenced." So if a demon attacks a JW, surely the demon knows the JW is going to start praying and calling the elders to them. Therefore, demonic attacks on JWs seemed to be a big waste of time for the demons.

    Unless of course they don't exist. Then it becomes a matter of superstition, paranoia, and ignorance which can be expelled with logic and reason.

    Demons = yet another way to keep JWs scared, ignorant, and controlled.

  • logic&reason

    I remember being scared as a kid... and whereas most parents will tell their kids that there is nothing to be afraid of, my parents really bought into it too. Sooooo, I got no such comfort from them.

    I had an elder tell me once that there were demons in some of my music CDs, and that they were holding me back spiritually. What a crock of shit!

  • moreisbetter

    remember being scared to watch certain movies, read certain books, or even buy things that might be inviting the demons in.

    I remember anytime a heard a wierd sound or noise screaming out Jehovah's name! Shit don't work!!

    LOL, same here.....I never went to garage sales either. I even asked an elder once if previews to certain horror movies was the same as "inviting them in". Non of it happened, of course. Unless my exit and subsequent disbelief in the JWs is construed as "demon influenenced".

  • Anator

    I wasn't raised as a witness, but knowing a number of witnesses who were raised as one were extremely s uperstitious when it came to demons. If something bad happened it was because of the demons or if something good happened it was because of Jehovah. I remember when I first came in as a witness one sister suggested to me to throw out all my furniture and buy new stuff because of the chance it could of been demonized becuase it was used stuff. With that kind of mentallity, you are in a constant state of paranoia.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I was morbidly terrified by them. The worst times that happened was when my mom studied with us and it was about demons. I was so affraid of the dark because of that. Now, I'm not affraid of anything except for wild animals that could be in the dark. I'm much more realistic about things now.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    OK, I'll bet some are laughing about my wild animal scare, but when I can't see or hear what is out there in the dark while camping, I guess you can see where this is a valid fear. It is a mild one, though.

  • WTWizard

    I realized that several things could mimic "demon possession". One of those was being on the borderline of sleep and being suddenly roused--sudden jerky motions or audio/visual hallucinations are common in just such a situation. Mental illness can play a part. You can be hypnotized to believe that it's demons when that "valueless" science could explain it better.

    Thus, I believed that there was more than a 99.99% chance that such incidents were explained with science and not demons. They tried to drum in the fear that if I spoke too much of Satan, that he would possess me (I am more afraid of Jehovah creating problems than I am of the demons).

    Ultimately, I stopped believing that demons were out to attack. If a situation persists throughout my whole life, the demons could not be responsible since they are not capable of causing persistent problems. However, Jehovah IS capable of causing lifelong problems that happen every time, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory every fxxxing time. As such, I quit worrying about Satan and the demons--and got pxxxed at Jehovah's never-ending extortion for me to do ever more, and never being satisfied. And it wasn't long before I realized that demons do not attack, but they try to set people free. Problem solved.

  • james_woods

    It is rather ironic that they totally reject the apostolic signs - things like speaking in tongues, healing, immunity from snake venom, Jesus directly appearing to apostle Paul, etc. However, they love to believe in the demons and their dark powers still in full force. Strange the Demons still have such powers since 1914, what with Christ ruling in the heavens...

  • stillajwexelder

    I had a respectful fear -but it was not a morbid fear

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