Questions concerning 607

by beavis 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • beavis

    I am sorry to hash and rehash this old topic, but I have a friend that has continually asked the WT's chronology of 607 and that historians do not agree with their thoughts on their selection of this date to "fit" their ideaolgies. Could someone give me information from CREDIBLE HISTORIANS that absolutely prove that 607 is impossible? This person has looked up information and what they have found so far is that most websites or some persons on this site do not show conclusively that 607 is NOT credible. I have looked up this information up in the past, but did so in the library.

    Any help would be useful

  • digderidoo
  • sir82

    Everything you need to know, from a JW perspective, is in the 1st study article of the 4/15 Watchtower:

    "Whenever scientific findings contradict what the Bible says, the scientific writings are always wrong." (paraphrase)

    (Note that the Watchtower is much easier to undertand when you apply the decoding algorithm: always supply "The Watchtower" when the sentence says "The Bible", and substitute "The Governing Body" whenever it says "Jehovah")

    So, for a true blue JW, you could supply them with as much irrefutable evidence from as many credible scholars as possible, and they wouldn't accept it.

  • wobble

    If a person really respects the bible, and is prepared to read it and see what it says and not what the WT or anybody tells them what it says,( is that English?) then get them to look at Daniel Chapter 4 and see what it says that this chapter means in verses 24 and 25 and then ask them where the idea of 2520 years can be found ??? It dosn't matter if 607 is true or not (I think NOT) as the whole thing of 2520 years is NOWHERE in scripture.

    Love and peace and wellbeing to all on JWD


  • james_woods

    One of the simplest ways to look at this is the very obvious fact that the prophecy of 1914 (the most obvious date based on this) simply did not work.

    They fully expected the establishment of Christ's kingdom on earth that year (having expropriated the Adventists 1874 date and extending it out by 40 years. Later they wimped out and sort of claimed that they had prophesied WW one. That was not true - it was a coverup for a end-date that failed, just like 1844/1845 and 1874 before had failed.

    It doesn't matter if the 607 was right or wrong (and almost anybody with any credibility says that 607 is wrong) --- it still does not mean anything whatsoever if you cannot use it to add up to anything meaningful. Which the JWs have manifestly not - they are the poster organization for false end-time prophecy in the eyes of all religious observers.

    Note that now the "generation" of 1914 idea has been shelved, as hardly anybody old enough to remember 1914 or C.T.Russell is even still alive.

    Note also that Russell himself had sort of come up with 1914 in an alternate way by pyramid dimensional math games. That had to be jettisoned for reasons of weirdness and possible occultic spiritism. Also consider a previous poster who points out very nicely that the 2520 years can only be extracted from the bible by a very obtuse mechanism.

    For these reasons, I refuse to debate the merit or non-merit of the silly 607 date. Their prophecy based on dates has always failed, and so that is the end of the story.

  • still_in74

    "Whenever scientific findings contradict what the Bible says, the scientific writings are always wrong." (paraphrase)

    (Note that the Watchtower is much easier to undertand when you apply the decoding algorithm: always supply "The Watchtower" when the sentence says "The Bible", and substitute "The Governing Body" whenever it says "Jehovah")


    Truer words have never been spoken............. it is the "decoding algorithm" that sets you free, because this is the absolute truth.
    Ah yes... the "decoding algorithm will set you free!"

  • Farkel

    You wanted a simple explanation why 607 BC is wrong. You've got it! How about proof that Jerusalem HAD to fall in 587-586 BC with the proof only coming through Watchtower publications?

    Here it is, and it is appropriately called "587 BC For Total Dunderheds"

    Farkel, who hopes JCanon doesn't trash this thread with his own jibberish...

  • still_in74
    Farkel, who hopes JCanon doesn't trash this thread with his own jibberish...

    LOL !

    I second that!

  • hamilcarr

    The Bible doesn't provide us with dates so the WTS has been dependent on scientific chronology made up by college-educated scholars influenced by harmful propaganda such as astronomists, archaeologists, philologists etc

    In this light I particularly like this 'double standards' refutation by Doug Mason:

    The same secular historians, astronomers, and archeologists who provide the WTS with the date 539 BCE for the Fall of Babylon agree that Jerusalem fell in 587 BCE. If the widespread agreement by authorities is sufficient for the WTS to accept one date, it should be consistent and accept both dates. Particularly when the date they accept relies on the date that they do not accept.
  • AnnOMaly

    The best you can do is grab hold of Jonsson's work which collects together all the scholarship 'under one roof.'

    The review in Archiv fur Orientforschung 51, said,

    "Jonsson produced, - in Chapters Three and Four, - the finest overview of NB chronology available, establishing the reign lengths and the exact years of sixth-century kings of Babylon on the basis of chronicles, prosopographical materials, Neo-Babylonian royal inscriptions, synchronizations with the reigns of Egyptian pharaohs, synchronizations with some OT passages, and the absolute dates provided by ancient astronomical texts."

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