Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-01-08 WT Study (VALUELESS)

by blondie 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    I already gave up the most valueless thing I could think of--Jehovah God Himself, and the Washtowel Slaveholdery.

  • jgnat


    Religious activists argue that sectarian and fundamentalist Christianity is at war with secular institutions, and particularly embattled with secular education. This perception has some merit, since higher educational attainment is predictive of defection from fundamentalist Christian beliefs and sectarian religious organizations (Sherkat 1998; Sherkat & Wilson 1995). Beginning in high school, sectarian Protestants and biblical fundamentalists have been shown to be less likely to take college preparatory coursework. Predictably, students who avoid taking courses like biology, chemistry, calculus, and British literature in high school are less likely to successfully complete college (Darnell and Sherkat 1997).

    Religion as a Determinant of Educational Attainment: An Economic Perspective

    Evelyn L. Lehrerf, Economics Department, University of Illinois at Chicago, Available online 27 March 2002.


    This paper uses data from the 1987–88 National Survey of Families and Households to study how the religion in which individuals are brought up influences the number of years of schooling that they complete. In multivariate analyses where a large number of other family background factors are held constant, significant differences by religion are uncovered: educational attainment is highest among Jews and lowest among fundamentalist Protestants, with Catholics and mainline Protestants at the center of the distribution. Various channels through which religion may influence the level of schooling are considered, within the framework of a human capital model that distinguishes between supply and demand factors. The empirical findings suggest that while demand influences are most important in explaining the high education of Jews, the relatively low schooling level of fundamentalist Protestants reflects supply and demand forces of similar strength. Analyses of schooling transitions shed light on the stages of the process at which the divergences occur.

  • jgnat

    Not that the society would ever deem to quote their sources.

  • jgnat
  • lrkr

    "Valueless things" is a category that they give to things that can't be called "evil" or "wrong" by most people. So they call it "valueless" to make you feel worthless and valueless if you value these things.

  • hamilcarr

    jgnat, very interesting study. Thanks for sharing!

  • V

    I stand on the shoulders of giants...

  • blondie

    SirNose, believe it or not there are still jws that believe the aluminum drivel. Though most of the original ones have died off, they have passed it on to their jw children and grandchildren. I know one who will not eat at a house that uses aluminum and insisted that the food service at the conventions/assemblies not use aluminum. They had to bring their own food.

    Even in 1982, the WTS was publishing news items that supported their aluminum story.

    *** g82 6/8 p. 30 Watching the World ***

    Aluminum Overload
    Toronto pharmacologist Dr. Armand Lione says that aluminum in the food we eat and in the utensils we cook with may contribute to health disorders. He claims that as little as two or three milligrams of aluminum filtering into the brain can disrupt normal functioning and contribute to a form of senility. Lione said that the average North American takes in about twenty-two milligrams daily, and most is excreted through the kidneys. However, he warns that the efficiency of the kidneys begins to decline after age thirty, so some aluminum begins to stay in the body. What are some common sources of aluminum in foods? Commercial cake mixes, pancake batters, self-rising flours and frozen doughs. These often have sodium aluminum phosphate as a leavening agent. In sulfate salts of aluminum, known as “alums,” aluminum may be present in some pickled foods, such as pickled cucumbers. Aluminum cookware, especially when used to prepare and store acid foods such as tomatoes, can increase aluminum content, the doctor declares.

    *** g83 2/8 pp. 30-31 Watching the World ***

    More on Aluminum
    Now the magazine Science reports that aluminum may be implicated in another degenerative-type disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease). A study of diseased brain tissue from residents of the Pacific island of Guam, who have an unusually high incidence of ALS, revealed significantly more aluminum than did brain tissue from controls. The question of whether aluminum cooking utensils are hazardous is still open, according to the scientists.

    OTWO, good points. The WTS fails to remember that the false prophets were from within the nation of Israel, thus from within the WTS so-called spiritual nation of Israel not outside like "Christendom." Also until 36 CE per the WTS, the nation of Israel was still official God's nation, yet Jesus did not hesitate to point out the serious flaws of the religious leaders and their teachings.

    Good connection, sad emo. The WTS has rejected the stone, Jesus, and put the FDS in its place by saying that no one can come to God except through the organization.

    That's good, jgnat. So many jws fall into the trap. Better that wicked humans go to school and something good come out to benefit's a gift from good you know.

    BTW, in the most recent magazines they still refer to the WTS as "the organization." It must be a local effort to educate their vocabulary.

    *** w07 12/15 p. 14 par. 19 Are You Ready for Jehovah’s Day? ***

    But Jehovah’s servants already belong to the only organization that will survive the end of this wicked system of things.

    yknot, so what about those private chuckles at the KH? Whose chuckling? Glad to entertain, (smile).

    So hamilcar, is the WTS saying that people with money don't believe in God? Belies their own situation, how have their funds not corrupted their faith?

    Very good, White Dove; it is a phrase that the WTS uses to "add" to the Bible. In this case applying a scripture meant only for anointed Christians to their secondary earthly group.

    *** w89 4/1 p. 12 par. 7 Hear What the Spirit Says to the Congregations ***

    With this in mind, we understand that the seven congregations picture all congregations of anointed Christians after 1914, and the seven stars represent all anointed elders in those congregations. Moreover, elders who are of the “other sheep” are also, by extension, in Jesus’ right hand of control. (John 10:16)

    And husbands are still being told to "control" their wives. My elder husband was told that but the elders could not come up with any specific "sin" on my part.

    FFM, very good, no examples are given. But the WTS views it as a given, a fact, you know.

    WTWizard, Jesus said there would be people who made God's Word invalid, and the WTS has.

    (Matthew 15:6) . . .And so YOU have made the word of God invalid because of YOUR tradition.

    Good source, jgnat. Did I miss a quote in the WT? I hope not. But they regularly miss giving the source of their "authorities."

    Hi lrkr.

    Thanks for posting that, V.

    Love, Blondie0

  • jgnat

    As usual, Blondie, you did not miss a beat. My comment on "proof" is a reply to Frequent Fader Miles' comment. The society links higher education to a loss of "faith" but offers no source. The proof is out there, but it is interesting that they do not give "inquiring minds" a source to look up for themselves.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    This one really got to me. What a piece of cult propaganda!

    8.Similarly, money has its place. We need it just to survive, and we can use it well in Jehovah's service. (Eccl. 7:12; Luke 16:9) But if we place the pursuit of money ahead of our Christian service, money becomes, in effect, a god to us.

    In other words, give your money to the WTS but to do anything else would be to view it as a god. Jehovah’s service, Christian service = supporting the WTS. What about this scripture? James 1:27 (NIV) 27Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

    10. What, though, of higher education, received in a college or a university! This is widely viewed as vital to success. Yet, many who pursue such education end up with their minds filled with harmful propaganda. Such education wastes valuable youthful years that could best be used in Jehovah's service.

    Insane. As a current student (business major), I am insulted that my business courses are being labeled propaganda. While I agree that some professors may have an agenda to push their ideas (Cal-Berkley professors comes to mind), isn’t it propaganda to paint a whole profession with such a broad brush?? Please, I listened to these idiots when I was a kid and didn’t go to college when I had the chance which is why I’m doing it now. The conductor actually went further to say that not only was going to a 4 year university not recommended, it was WRONG and intimated that you could not serve in a position of responsibility if you encouraged ANYONE to go.

    12. Some may literally have overindulged in food or drink to the point of gluttony or drunkenness. (Prov. 23:20, 21; compare Deuteronomy 21:18-21.)

    Read Deut 21. These two sins were punishable by the DEATH PENALTY. Even my JW wife was thinking “why would Jehovah kill someone because they had that kind of weakness. Doesn’t he understand that people that overeat and overdrink usually have something that is pushing them to that point?” I honestly didn’t have much of an answer for that one.

    14. Those false prophets claimed to speak in Jehovah's name, but they were promoting their own ideas, their own wisdom. Thus, their words were "a valueless thing." They were worthless and posed a real spiritual threat.

    I’ll hand it to them, it takes balls to write that! Hello, you guys are the very definition of a false prophet.

    17 Another example of valueless words is found among the religious leaders of Christendom. These claim to speak in God's name, but most of their utterances are not based on the Scriptures, and what they say is basically worthless. Apostates too speak valueless words, claiming to have greater wisdom than the appointed "faithful and discreet slave."

    Again with the name calling. Propaganda includes making sweeping, generalized statements about others. What utterances specifically are not based on the scriptures and how many utterances has the WTS made that are also not based on the scriptures?

    18, lf any statements come to our ears that are critical of the truth or that cast aspersions on the congregation, the elders, or any of our brothers, we do not accept them at face value. Rather, we ask: "Is the one spreading this story acting in harmony with what the Bible says? Do these stories or allegations further Jehovah’s purpose? Do they promote the peace of the congregation?" Anything we hear that tears down the brotherhood rather than builds it up is a worthless thing.-

    First, 1 John seems to be talking about doctrine, not about “stories or allegations” The conductor mentioned slander. Do you know what the legal defense for slander is?? TRUTH. The most important defense to an action for defamation is "truth", which is an absolute defense to an action for defamation.
    So, the only question we should ask when presented “stories or allegations” regarding ANYTHING is “Is this allegation true?” Isn’t that the only thing that matters? Apparently, all the stories we hear about the WTS are true since they are not denying them!

    19. Elders do not go beyond the things that are written in the Bible. And by extension, they do not go beyond the Bible-based counsel written in the publications of the faithful and discreet slave.

    Outright blasphemy if you believe in the Bible. And, spending almost a decade as an elder, I know that they most certainly do “go beyond the things written in the Bible” since the Bible is not the main book consulted (the Flock book and the binder with the letters to the BOE are).
    I don’t know why this study pissed me off so badly, but I appreciate all the comments. Thanks for doing this Blondie.

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