
by Wordly Andre 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Awhile back I saw a map of Mormons around the world and there were only 3 churches in Africa, and one only since the 1980's the rest were in the early 2000's, I heard it was because Mormons think people of dark skin are cursed by god. Is there any truth to that? What other weird Mormon beliefs do you know of?

  • sacolton

    Yup, it used to be their belief that black people were cursed by God as to the reason of their skin color ... and they could not be ministers. I think that all changed in the 50s.

  • ninja

    mormon temple rituals and freemasonry rituals are similar.....when joe got shot he tried using a masonic distress call as a last here......... lord my god there no help for the widows son

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    It wasn't till 1978 that blackmen could enter the Priesthood.....God told the "Prophet" that it was okay now.

  • james_woods

    How about these - the "holy underwear", "there were actual great cities in North America housing other tribes of Israel - they were lost and there is no archealogical record of them now"

    "the book of Mormon was translated by Joseph Smith from tablets given by the angel Moroni with special stones. He did this in his home kitchen, having hung up a blanket down the middle of the room so that even his wife could not see the sacred tablets. He could read the tablets with a sort of crystal eyepiece. A slight scandal arose when some of the paper originals (but not all) were lost, and his assistant suggested that he just use the crystal to re-read the stones...after all, they were the true originals, right?"

    "the tablets were mysteriously taken away after the book of Mormon was finished"

    "God is a non-male, non-female creatures (but with qualities of both sexes in some ways). God is made of flesh & bone, but does not have blood."

    "people long since dead can have a post-mortem baptism, and thus be saved as Mormons. this is why they have one of the world's largets ancestral libraries - to find these pre-Mormons and baptise them after the fact."

    Oh, and "coffee, tea, and other hot drinks" are vile sinful items and must never be imbibed by a true Mormon.

  • TD

    Per the LDS faith, dark skin was the "Mark of Cain"

    That belief has never changed.

    From 1848 until 1978 black mormon males (Of supposed Hammitic bloodlines) could not be ordained to any office in the priesthood.

    When I was young, black boys could not even be scout leader in boy scout troops sponsored through the Mormon church

  • VoidEater

    Not much to add.

    Imagine you're hanging out with Michael or some other archangel when you get baptized by proxy back on Earth by a Mormon you get scooped up and plopped down in the Mormon section of heaven?

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    it still amazes me how LITTLE everyone knows about the Mormons and their religion.

    They were polygamous until in 1858, the US Congress said they could NOT join the United States unless they gave up polygamy, which they did. If they did NOT join the United States of America, they would not be entitled to help from the US Government against Indian raids, nor would they enjoy free trade or communication with the other states. Brigham Young's own wife testified against him, testifying that he did live polygamously and she was one of several wives. Her name was Eliza Young. I believe that she was his 16th wife.

    At this time, other sects began to form in opposition to the stand of the sect, and said that they would uphold the right of polygamy. They splintered off and formed their own commune-type towns/cities. The Mormons were notoriously thrifty and work oriented and by the mid-point of the 20th century, had formed many towns that were self-suffient. One of those was Short Creek. This town sat directly on the border of Arizona and Utah. The states invaded it in 1953 for polygamy, much as Texas has done today, and it was called "The Raid of Short Creek." It was good-intentioned, but America was outraged. Much as today, the American public was upset that children were being taken from their comfortable homes and put into care of the State, for no "apparent reason."

    Today, as it stands, there are over 400 children in foster care, taken to a life that is unfamiliar to them. Was Texas right in doing this? Many believe that Texas jumped the gun. They think that Texas was too harsh in taking over 400 children from the YFZ compound without AMPLE evidence that child abuse was happening within the compound on a widespread basis.

    Yes, I believe it was. Due to the "communal beliefs" of the sect, I believe that because of the evidence of the "lost boys" -- the boys caused to leave for no reason from the compound from the early 90s until now, it shows a determined effort on the part of the those who run the compound to flush out younger males who may "take" their advantage with younger females. From prior knowledge of the sect, and from pictures presented, I think it shows that girls are groomed to be YOUNG BRIDES and subjected to sexual advances of males way older than the allowed limit of three years above the age of the girl that is over 16. Girls are groomed at a young age to believe that as soon as they can have babies, that is their goal in life to have babies and to bring "glory" to their priest head, which is their husband. Although they may be married 'spiritually" they are not married under the states' laws, so they are just single mothers, which makes them eligible for benefits under the welfare clauses of the state.

    A man in this religion is REQUIRED to have three wives, at least, to achieve priesthood. He may be "given" more wives/children if he does a particular favor, or falls into favor with the elders. many of the men that were expelled from the cult in the early 90's.. their wives were GIVEN to other members. In fact, when Rulon Jeffs died, his own son, Warren, took his Father's wives/children and had sex with them. He told the other members of the priesthood not to get any ideas about his Father's wives, because he was taking them all. Many men have come forward to claim their children after the Texas Raid, and want to give them BACK to the mothers so they can be raised in this same religion. They were kicked out, but they still beelive in it. This shows the grip that this freaked out religon has on the people that were in it.

    How can Texas deal w/this? Texas is trying to do what is right. There is nothing stoppig these people from practicing their religion, as long as it doesn't hurt children. But if it DOES hurt children, that's where Texas stops. I hope that all children of this cult are returned to their parents who will AGREE that they will not allow marraige of their children before the age of 18, period.


  • oompa

    Not a highjack, but do they shun like dubs??? Same extent?.......oompa

    I love the reason for the scam of needing more wives.....Everyone is first a spirit in heaven and must come to earth first and live and then return before God will do the really great stuff....soooooo get me 12 wives dang it and lets start gettin em outta heaven!! it

  • TD
    Not a highjack, but do they shun like dubs??? Same extent?.......oompa

    Mormons excommunicate, but to nowhere near the extent (And willingness) that JW's disfellowship.

    People are people though and if one is not a "Good Mormon" they will find themselves on the fringes of the church / social group the same as "Weak" JW's do.

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