by winnower 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yknot

    Oil Brat here

    Renegotiation is planned.... yes China and India are growing customers but the US is still the largest account of OPEC.

    This is just big global business.

    Alaskan drilling is poised & ready (yes that is the uber agenda) My Dad just got back from Alaska & will be going back after his trip to Brazil.

    Future contracts are being considered with Brazil.

    I happen to think the formation of UNASUR is far more significant.

    If anyone is that concerned about fuel then they should consider biofuels, ethanol, and methanol....\

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    I'm going to miss out on your terribly important message, all because you didn't manage to include the paragraph breaks (I can't read solid blocks that big - I get dizzy).

    If this means I die through not having a warning, you'll be bloodguilty.

  • VoidEater

    Not the 1979 theatrical film?

    I'm a bit is this worse than the gas shortages of the 1970's?

  • Robdar

    ~sniff, sniff~

    It smells like JCanon in here too.

  • journey-on

    It took me a while to find the time to fit the reading in, but I found your take on all this quite interesting. It does sound

    as if you are taking pieces of the global puzzle and fitting them into a coherent picture. I'm just not sure whether it's a

    picture you have designed in your mind, or whether there is a reality to the picture you presented. I'm going to take

    time later and look up the links to the websites you mention. Thanks for giving this to us to peruse.

  • Honesty

    Your post contains too many big words and intellectual thoughts in them.

    I was raised in a cult.

    Therefore, my educational experience has been stunted.

    I'm sorry but I don't have a clue to what your message is all about other than is sounds just as screwed up as the message I was taught most of my life by some crazy cult members.

    Have a nice day and if your funky god decides I'm not worthy of eternal life just because I can't comprehend your message tell him to concoct a simpler message.

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