The Presumption of Divine Appointment!

by Confession 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead


    Nice one...LOL! The language is too nice though!

  • Farkel

    Our resident rocket scientist (troll) Jadon makes these outstanding and thoughtful observations:

    :Your a Moron,

    Probably, but at least I can form a proper 3 word sentence.

    :You sound just like Satan with your ideas, telling all the other other angels not to listen to God. You know what is best for all mankind.

    How does Satan "sound?" Have you heard him talk? Your entire argument here breaks down to this brilliant thought: "Satan has ideas. You have ideas. Therefore you sound just like Satan." Given that ideas form the basis for being "Satanic", you are blessed given you don't have any.

    :The Bible plainly says " not to mixing in company with anyone that is a fornicator, Idolater or those commiting adultery. Not even speaking to such ones.

    Right. And that is ALL it says about the subject. Please open your Bible and enlighten us all where the Bible also forbids any association or speaking to people who: worship Jesus, celebrate Christmas, smoke, ask sincere but pesky questions about JW doctrine, doubt the nonsensical 1914/1919 doctrine, question elder decisions and a million other rules made by clueless pharisees in Brooklyn. Any old Bible verse will do Jadon, as long as it is specific to any of the situations I have mentioned.

    :Now we know you think you know more than God by your comments. We should listen to you and not Gods word. Well many people have and that is why your religions have failed miserably.

    Didn't you know that being psychic is demonic, yet you just claimed to read someone's mind. Therefore you are demonized. As far as religions failing, you may have forgotten that your religion has a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT failure rate with its "Bible-Based" predictions. Yep. ALL of them have been proven to be false predictions/prophecies.

    :you have even been convinced that it is OK to kill fellow christians in all the wars you fight.

    You have even been convinced that is OK for your God to kill six BILLION people including innocent infants in the biggest war ever He is supposed to fight real soon now. In fact you earnestly PRAY for him to start and finish that war, hypocrite.

    :Again the Bible tells us that it is easy to discern the children of Satan from the children of God. The children of God will love their brothers but the children of Satan will kill their brothers

    With an estimated 10,000 deaths because of an unscriptural stance on blood transfusion, your religion has certainly killed enough people to qualify as a "child of Satan."

    Now go back to your Hall and learn more mean things to say to those who merely disagree with you. Oh, and next time it might be handy to bring back at least one FACT along with you. I know that concept might be new you, but I'm sure with practice you will understand just what a FACT is.

    I was going to ask you to not use any more ad hominems in your posts, but you are probably intimidated by words with more than 1 or 2 syllables.


  • Confession

    Hey A@G...

    1. Realize that the WTS is not the "truth".

    2. Destroy my faith in the WTS by reading material that reveals their fallacies

    3. Question whether the Bible is what it the WTS claims...if not is it worthy of confidence

    4. Decide whether I want to believe in a god, and who that god might be...

    Good, basic path. Not sure how long you've been "out" mentally, but it's a great sign you're already freeing yourself from WTS delusions if you can give yourself permission to be objective about the Bible and the concept of God itself.

    Now I am in the process of analyzing the Bible to see to what degree I should trust in it as a guide to my life (I am not too impressed by what I have read thus far)

    Aye. As many here will attest, it contains many good, common-sense principals: "do unto others has you'd have them do unto you," "don't puffily try to extract the straw from your brother's eye, when you've got a rafter in yours," the concept of "righteousness" (doing what you believe is right,) etc. I myself can appreciate that (in quite a few ways) my having been brought up to believe in these principals has probably been very helpful to me. But to believe it is the inerrant word of humankind's Creator? That may be harder for you to accept after considering all the available information--apart from any force influencing you to believe. In any case, good luck with your analysis.

    While I still believe in "God", I have no idea who he is, since I no longer believe in the imitation WTS-Jehovah God.

    It's amazing how far I've traveled since I left mentally in the Fall of 2004. I'm now very open to the idea that "God" exists--although not at all in the form most religions teach. Still exploring.

    ...but their mindset protects them, and they start humming - "its the truth its the truth, it really is!" That's all they have really.

    <----(fully indoctrinated JW, like we used to be) "Well all I know is I'm just so glad Jehovah saw fit to reveal The Truth to my Granny! Think of all those other people out there with no hope whatsoever for the future. What bleak, pathetic lives they must all live!"

  • Lieu

    Interesting thoughts.

    Frankly, its interesting to listen to Jesus "invisible" return recounted when the Bible (not the WT) plainly stated he's pretty much supposed to be "out there" for everyone to see when he returns. Its one of those he's over here, no he's over there', no he's invisible .... er yeah, don't follow behind that person kind of thing.

    Decades of "its just around the corner" guessing dates and other Ouija board stuff from people who are "supposed" to understand date and time of "when" isn't anyone's business to know but God's. Its like the GOE, big guy can't even have one tree (secret) to himself.

    They just keep picking the fruit that doesn't belong to them.

    Way out of context scriptures.So much so they become irrelevant to any point being made. An unnatural obsession with smurfs and yard sales (because of demon leaping), Jesus gets honorable mention once or twice a year.

    Then there's all sorts secretly on anti-depressants making you wonder what the hell kind of "Happy People" are we? But the biggest faux pas, is that they don't tell anyone the "old light" because they're afraid that the ones who declared God was choosing them were kooks ... and out the window goes their very foundation.

    However, I honestly think Russel was sincere in trying to learn the Bible while Rutherford was a maniacal nut bag opportunist.

    To each his or her own.

  • Confession
    However, I honestly think Russel was sincere in trying to learn the Bible while Rutherford was a maniacal nut bag opportunist.

    I'm with you here, Lieu. Others will disagree a bit--and it's true Russell did change a little toward the end--but, basically, Russell was sincere (although a bit quirky) in his endeavors. Rutherford? "Manical Nut Bag Opportunist" describes him perfectly.

  • myelaine

    I think the real test of divine appointment lies in the way a person feels toward the that, can "we" come to an agreement with the appointed.

    I would like to say that I have studied a little bit about some of the people that have claimed to be prophets of God and though I think that some contradict the Bible, others are in agreement in that they expound love of ones neighbour and reliance and love for in GOD...

    I would like to talk a little bit about the founder of carmels faith...Bahaullah. I think for sure that Bahaullah is the Glory of God and the new name of Jesus, as foretold in the book of revelation. let me tell you why I think that...everything that Bahaullah stood for is godly and upright. all His desires for the people and the nations are perfectly in accordance with the Word of God. He was gentle and kind by all accounts written...He was the Prince of Peace. And aside from this I know that He was the Prince of Peace because of the way that I feel when I am in opposition to this appointment...the last few days I have felt dreadful in my opposition to Him. I have prayed for His people...I love His people and I want the very best for His people...It doesn't even make sense to me to deny Him!...

    having said that I would like to add that I am truly sorry for chasing you around, carmel, and belittleing you publicly in my efforts to defend Jesus and the Bible. A wise man told me today that Jesus does not need to be anyone.

    please forgive me for my behavior and consider having me as a friend instead as an enemy. I would like very much to be an expounder of peace, not holy war.

    love michelle

    p.s. please pm me regarding this carmel if you would like.

  • myelaine

    And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd. John 10:16

    love michelle

  • myelaine

    ............where are the Governing Body who would vindicate the name of the Lord?...

    “ Behold, all souls are Mine;
    The soul of the father
    As well as the soul of the son is Mine;
    The soul who sins shall die. ezekiel 18:4

    Then I turned and raised my eyes, and saw there a flying scroll.
    And he said to me, “What do you see?”
    So I answered, “I see a flying scroll. Its length is twenty cubits and its width ten cubits.”
    Then he said to me, “This is the curse that goes out over the face of the whole earth: ‘Every thief shall be expelled,’ according to this side of the scroll; and, ‘Every perjurer shall be expelled,’ according to that side of it.”
    “ I will send out the curse,” says the LORD of hosts;

    “ It shall enter the house of the thief
    And the house of the one who swears falsely by My name.
    It shall remain in the midst of his house
    And consume it, with its timber and stones.”

    You guys!!!....James 4:4-7

    love michelle

  • Farkel

    : How sad, though, that by their unchristian course the children interfere with the normal pleasure that such grandparents enjoyed!"

    How sad, though, that by their unchristian course the Watchtower Printing and Propaganda Corporation interferes with the normal pleasure that such grandparents enjoyed!"


  • Confession
    "How sad, though, that by their unchristian course the children interfere with the normal pleasure that such grandparents enjoyed!"

    How sad, though, that by their refusal to kiss our collective ass, the children interfere with the normal pleasure that such grandparents enjoyed!!!"

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