Jehovah's Witnesses and UFC fights on television...

by pr_capone 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DanTheMan

    How can JW's sit in a bar among a bunch of, let's say, worldlier worldlings, watch a UFC fight, and then go to the KH the next day and mentally integrate themselves into a group that believes that any day now god is going to kill everybody on the earth except them?

    HOW DO THEY DO IT??? How do their heads not explode??

  • hillbilly

    Ulitimate fighting is a little bloody for me. Classic boxing is an art.

    JW's feel boxing is a blood sport... but watch a KH clear out fast ; 16 Sundays a year to watch 22 guys try to pound each others peckers into the dirt.

    The NFL. What a game.

    Plus, you saw these folks in a bar? You must live in a big metro area. In a little town most JW folks would not get caught dead in a bar... when I was living in bigger places like Memphis or near Ft Lauderdale you could slip around a bit but those folks were "double lifers" for the most part.

    Times change but stay the same.

    glad to see you PR


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