Vaccines, GB, Alt Service, blood- I think im starting to see the light

by dirtyknections 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Prov1320

    wing commander is right.

    It's a dangerous thing to be revealing your real name and phone number. I have little doubt that the WTS uses "spies" to scope the board, looking for info to incriminate those who have not yet been DF'ed. How do you think they learn of web sites that they can go after and attempt to shut down?

    The biggest problem here is that you have expressed some of your doubts. If brought b4 a JC you will be questioned about these doubts. If your thinking cannot be "re-adjusted" (and believe me, and this point it is absolutely impossible to go back) you will be "punished."

    If you have too much on the line I recommend you edit your post.

    Otherwise, welcome!

  • dirtyknections

    Oops...just read the "terms" for posting...i did not realize that i couldnt post my phone bad...i will remove it if someone can tell me how to edit a post...

  • Prov1320
    I am only concerned with staying true to the scriptures...and if the people who supposedly watch this board consider my presence here a "violation" of some sort...i say show me in scripture where talking about the bible is condemned...and if they feel my presence here is a "DF offense" then so be it...

    There is no way to win this argument in a JC. They are not there to be preached, but to "re-adjust" your thinking. If they can't get you for apostasy, they will get you for disunity (p.99 "All the flock" - worth a read).

  • dirtyknections

    Hey..Prov and midleman..and anybody who is concerned for

    I really appreciate your concern for me...I guess i'm completely past the point of being concerned about what "men" can do to salvation is given thru christ and christ only...i fear no one..

    i'm subject to no one (except my wife...shoot i forgot to put the trash out)..i'm under the law of "love" and "faith"..not the law of men..

  • middleman

    Amen brudda

    Great chattin with ya. Blessings........

  • kool aid man06
    kool aid man06

    Hello! Anthony, glad to have you on the board. I'm glad to see that you are not afraid to identify yourself. My avatar is KoolAidMan06 but my name is Rick Fearon, and I have a website Recently, we developed a new format for all of those who have been touched by the "tentacles of the Watchtower" to participate in. We call it the "live telephone conference call". and many people are dialing up, including active Jehovah's Witnesses to discuss issues concerning the Watchtower org. We inv ite you to come on the conference call and speak and tell us your current feelings concerning the org. To participate, click on the website listed above, when on home page, scroll down to conference call . Instructions are listed there. You can also listen to previous recorded calls.

  • sweetface2233

    Good edit job jgnat. But it probably should have read something more along the lines of this: "Forget the elders, sweetface may call you."

  • still_in74
    Good edit job jgnat. But it probably should have read something more along the lines of this: "Forget the elders, sweetface may call you.


    Dirtyknections: welcome to the board. you seem like you are very mature in some regards and in others, well maybe not so much. I would hate to see you say or do things you may regret here. Others like you have reacted this way and there is no going back. One poster was read back multiple posts he had made online by a body of elders in a JC!

    Anyway, dont take my post the wrong way, I am excited to have someone like you here. In fact, we are close in age, both married, and both realizing that the org is not who they claim to be. I look forward to getting to know you better. I just dont want to see you in a situation that is beyond your control.

    PM me anytime and have fun!

  • dirtyknections

    Dirtyknections: welcome to the board. you seem like you are very mature in some regards and in others, well maybe not so much.


    When you speak of my maturity or the lack thereof, I take it you think that i do not understand the possible repercussions of posting on a website such as this. I fully understand what could "possibly"
    happen, but what i want you to realize is that i am fully prepared to deal with the consequences of my actions.

    As i said in a previous post, if they want to disfellowship me for talking about the bible...then so be far as bringing charges against me for apostacy or divisions and using that against heavenly father knows my the words of Paul, "what can earthling man do to me"..I live and die in Christ..and Christ man can give salvation only Christ thru my heavenly father. John 3:16

    So for the record...I'm fully aware of the possible repercussions...I'm also fully prepared to follow God rather than men...Matthew 28:19,20 gives me a commission, no man can tell me not to talk about the bible.


    Thank you for the concern

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