New York Evolution Proof

by metatron 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    If you ever get stuck going to Brooklyn Bethel and
    hearing about Watchtower propaganda, you might want
    to look at an antidote.

    The Museum of Natural History - in Manhattan.

    In the section on human origins, they have a skeleton
    called "Turkana Boy" as well as other human remains.

    The Society tries to say that 'missing links' are just
    re-constructions or perhaps a few isolated freaks.
    Displays such as this one prove such claims to be lies.
    The skulls in particular are complete - and are simply
    examples of Neanderthal people who lived thousands
    of years ago.
    I don't see how any fair person could look at such
    bizarre skulls, compare them with apes and modern
    skulls (in display cases) and believe that a guy
    named Adam started it all, directly created by God.

    And keep in mind that the Society wrote all of their
    garbage on creation - with museum evidence like this
    only a subway train ride away!

    It gives you a real appreciation for THEIR sense
    of truth!


  • patio34

    Thanks for that post, Metatron. When one stops to look at the other side of the issue of evolution, it quickly becomes clear the WTS is disingenuous.

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  • Joseph Joachim
    Joseph Joachim

    Last year I visited the Museum of Natural History in Chicago and experienced the same thing. I already had no doubts about the validity of the Evolution by then, but no facts and figures I had read stroke me so much as a Neanderthal skull I saw right next to a modern human skull and some other ape's skull. It was so clear that Neanderthals were entirely humans and, at the same time, so different from us as to constitute a different species.

    I think that JW stubborn refusal to accept the Evolution will be a major obstacle for recruiting educated people outside the US, where fundamentalist christianity is not so widespread.

  • Unclepenn1

    Boy, you guys are easy to fool. Think about it. No one + Nothing = Everything. Make sense? Didnt think so.


    "Hey Dr. Jones, look at this. This skeleton has a raised brow ridge and short legs' Woohoo! It's proof there is no God!'

    Mohammed- 'My teachings lead to the attainment of truth'
    Buddha- 'The truth has been revealed to me'
    Jesus- 'I am the truth'

  • Cygnus

    What's the matter, UnclePenn? Still pissed that Greg Stafford ran your guy into the ground?

  • Robdar

    Although I believe in evolution, it seems to me that similarities in skull structure do not prove or disprove evolution.



    Hey Unclepenn1,sounds funny,sounds like penguin,I like it.Anyway...Why do you think people who believe in evolution don`t believe in god?There is no evidence for creationism but plenty for evolution.Why do`s god have to create according to christian beliefs, do you really think you can impose that on him or her?Look around you, evolution is everywhere,learning about and understanding evolution dosen`t mean you don`t believe in god.It just means you have a better understanding of how he creates...OUTLAW

  • Unclepenn1

    Cygnus, how do you think G.S. ran 'my guy' into the ground? Is Jesus a true god in the archetypical sense? If not, is it ok to formulate that he is a true god in all other senses? Did you even hear the show?

    Outlaw, no evidence for creation? When's the last time you saw a painting or building and had doubt there was a creator? Do you need faith to look at your house and know there was a builder? Even if you had never seen the builder, would you not know by the structure itself that there was a builder? You evo guys make it seem that specified complexity can just appear. And you are right, lots of evolutionists believe in god.I didnt mean to make a hasty generalization :)


    Mohammed- 'My teachings lead to the attainment of truth'
    Buddha- 'The truth has been revealed to me'
    Jesus- 'I am the truth'

  • Cygnus


    Well, I personally don't think using a Webster's English dictionary to define a Greek word is too bright.

  • larc


    Since you believe in God, can you conceive of the idea that perhaps he used the process of evolution? Why should you commit to the idea that he created each and every distinct species one at a time?

    Let me see now. What do we know about creation from the book of Genesis? God created very different groups of animals in different time periods. Funny though, the order of creation is the same as the order of evolution.

    What do we know about whoever wrote the Book of Genesis? He came from a tribe of people that knew very little about science. Every tribe on the face of the earth has wondered where we came from. With their very limited understanding of nature via science, about all they could come up with is: God did it. Now, thousands of years from those primitive times, people want to take these early speculations as divine truth.

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