What ISSUES do Clinton and Obama stand for??? Sick of spin.

by hamsterbait 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • watson

    You just need to pick the best saleman.

    Politics 102

  • FlyingHighNow

    What are McCain's issues? Other than staying in Iraq for too long?

  • watson

    Is voting "republicans" out more important than voting GW Bush out? Democrats will do a better job of managing the "business" of the US democracy?

  • FlyingHighNow
    Is voting "republicans" out more important than voting GW Bush out? Democrats will do a better job of managing the "business" of the US democracy?

    The Republican party needs an over haul. Yes, we need them out of the White House. It was the Republicans who were in charge and ran this country into the Great Depression. And for a long time America remembered and they never allowed them that much power again. The RPs have strayed too far from the midde, in general. They need to shake this religious right crap. I say bring back the Gerald R Ford type republicans and even Nixon, for all his faults. I'm not a registered democrat. I am not a tree hugging, fur spray painter. I'm more moderate. But yes, for this time in history, I thing the odds are better voting for a democratic candidate. Lord knows he or she will have a gargantuan task ahead to even begin to get us out of this horrible mess the republican party has gotten us into the past eight years.

  • watson

    I understand FHN. Good points.

  • WTWizard

    The issues they all stand for are to say whatever it takes to get elected, and then support the regulations and regulatory agencies that got our country in the mess it's in. Billions of dollars, yes trillions, for agencies where unelected people make so many rules that we are not free to make progress. Prices will keep marching up. We will have an energy crisis, a health care crisis, a Social Security crisis, and jobs that pay crap and stagnate the workers until all those regulatory agencies are dismantled and the free market gets to work.

    As for those worried about unregulated oil companies running oil up to $900 a barrel and gas to $50 a gallon, they would be severely punished by the free market. At those prices, someone is going to come along and develop new technology and cheaper energy. The Big Oil companies would then either have to cut prices or go belly up. Ditto high drug prices--someone is going to find a drug or herb that works better than those $1,000 Lipitor pills that the big drug companies would try foisting on people. The free market would punish crooked companies a lot better than those unelected regulators that now just protect crooked companies.

    And either president would support the unelected regulators. That's why it matters not who gets in, unless they act on getting those regulators disbanded and let the free markets regulate the companies.

  • FlyingHighNow

    WT, don't you see, the oil companies are getting their last licks in before they go? And Bush and Cheney know this, that's why they arranged things to get as much wealth as possible, squeeze the very last drop of juice out of the lemon that is they people of the USA.

    If there is a chance to straighten anything out, it's not going to happen with a republican president. IF.

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