California Court Affirms Right To Gay Marriage

by BenV 280 Replies latest jw friends

  • Indo_Dude

    Of course she has sung. It is over.

    Frankly it doesn't matter what some might do, or would do, or wouldn't do. If gay people want to get married, great let them. If you don't believe in gay marriage, great don't marry a gay person. It's no more 'illogical' than a politician or taxpayer lobbying for higher taxes to support a cause, yet in their last tax return 'only' paid what the govt required. It's a fact of life. Some gay people want to get married, some don't. Some straight people want to get married, some don't. But if there are protections and benefits offered under such laws, then they should be avaialbe to all Americans, equally regardless. There are probably 1,000 different reasons why a couple might choose to either get married, or not.

    Those who oppose gay marriage will continue to lose at the Supreme Courts of the various states, and even the Federal Govt. It's just a fact of life.

  • shamus100

    Ahmen Indigo.

    Oh, and please - no more fat ladies. Singing or not.

  • BizzyBee
    But if there are protections and benefits offered under such laws, then they should be avaialbe to all Americans, equally regardless.


  • roybatty


    I hope that you're not grouping all homosexuals into one group that is extreme. Just because someone is gay does not believe that they all believe in the same theology, if that's the right term. That's like saying Oprah likes cupcakes, therefore all black people like cupcakes!

    What? Oprah like cupcakes? I'm shocked!

    Of the friends I have who are gay, not one has come over dressed as a member of the Village People. As a matter of fact, I don't think of them as my "gay friend" just as I don't consider my brother's wife as my "black sister in-law." And I'm sure the feeling is mutal.

    Like I stated previously, you typically won't find a float of naked people humping each other at the St. Patrick's Day Parade. At least, not yet.

  • Indo_Dude
    Roy wrote:

    What? Oprah like cupcakes? I'm shocked!

    Of the friends I have who are gay, not one has come over dressed as a member of the Village People. As a matter of fact, I don't think of them as my "gay friend" just as I don't consider my brother's wife as my "black sister in-law." And I'm sure the feeling is mutal.

    Like I stated previously, you typically won't find a float of naked people humping each other at the St. Patrick's Day Parade. At least, not yet.

    Ok, so you admit none of your gay friends has ever come over to your house, or met up with you all dressed up. So your entire reasoning for not wanting gay marriage, is because one day a year a bunch of gay people get dressed up, put on a display, and 'dry hump' each other on a float, at a parade specifically called 'Gay Pride'?

    How interesting is a parade float going to be with men dressed up head to toe in clothes from the Gap as surburban dads?

    If overt homosexual 'displays' bother you, then don't go to the Gay Pride parade.

  • BurnTheShips
    Actually, I grew up on a farm. I saw the young bulls, stears, and occasionally a heifer dry humping in public, during the day. These cattle, too, were bare-assed, and in black leather (some white, some red leather). I was exposed to it at a young age, so were my siblings, including sisters. Sometimes we giggled, most of the time we ignored it and got on with our chores. True, the cattle weren't doing it on floats in downtown Chicago, but if they were, I wouldn't bother going to watch them getting busy... even if Mayor Daley was there cheering on the dry humping cattle.
    If overt homosexual 'displays' bother you, then don't go to the Gay Pride parade.

    2007 Folsom Street Fair, San Francisco. A big Gay bash:

    NOT, I repeat NOT, safe for work.



  • Indo_Dude

    One person's 'depravity' is another ones fetish. One person's prudishness, is another's voyeurism. One parade in one city on one day does not an entire subset population make. Comapring a Gay Pride parade in Chicago to the merits of one's rights is no more indicative than watching a Girls Gone Wild - New Orleans tape and making broad generalization of straight people. and seeking to deny them certain rights because of such behavior. It's much like judging all Southerners based on a YouTube video of a KuKluxKlan 'bonfire'. Using the excuse of what gay people do on one day in Chicago on a festival to deny them the right to marriage is simply unfathomable. Fortunately, the Supreme Courts have felt similarly.

    Some choose to move to the suburbs have their idealistic 2.2 children, and white picket fence, while buying the latest mini-van every 3 years and vacationing at Disney for 1 week per year. Some don't. Neither choice is superior or inferior. Just because you don't agree with someone else's choice doesn't make it wrong. The moment you want to curtail others rights is the moment your own rights are subject to similar curtailment. Or as Thomas Paine wrote: ' He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from opposition; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach himself.'

  • roybatty
    Ok, so you admit none of your gay friends has ever come over to your house, or met up with you all dressed up.

    Sure they've come over dressed up - just not in black leather, assless chaps.

    So your entire reasoning for not wanting gay marriage, is because one day a year a bunch of gay people get dressed up, put on a display, and 'dry hump' each other on a float, at a parade specifically called 'Gay Pride'?

    No. If you read my previous emails i believe that gay marriage - just like casual attitude toward divorce and the loss of shame associated with having kids out of wedlock - will have a negative affect on society.

    How interesting is a parade float going to be with men dressed up head to toe in clothes from the Gap as surburban dads?

    If overt homosexual 'displays' bother you, then don't go to the Gay Pride parade.

    Why should behavior that should be done in the privacy of ones home be allowed in public? Just as you have a right to walk in public unmolested because of you sexual orientation, I have a right to walk in public and not be assulted by your sexuality. Your right ends when it steps on someone elses right - and visa versa.

    And whether it's something is done once a year or everyday doesn't make it right.

  • shamus100

    Or were you just talking about they gay pride parade in general.

  • BizzyBee
    2007 Folsom Street Fair, San Francisco. A big Gay bash:

    Ummmm.......ick....! As an opportunity to display what being gay is all about.......ick! Sickening...........and I realize that this is by no means all gay people.....but it is pretty hard to stomach........

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