JW's & JW sympathisers please help! Bed bugs!

by Mr Ben 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VoidEater

    Loosie and Awakened - OMG, I just can't stop laughing...

  • M.J.

    JWs really believe that meat-eaters weren't created, but became that way as a result of man's sin? Now what about all that talk about the "wonder in the balance of Jehovah's creation?" That balance hinges on meat eaters AND blood eaters doing their job!

  • Awakened07
    JWs really believe that meat-eaters weren't created, but became that way as a result of man's sin?

    I think this is more or less correct, however, as far as I can recall, they believe animals remained herbivores until after the flood, when God told Noah it was OK to eat meat. Then *wham*, animals started doing so too. Why? Again - it would look stupid if humans ate meat and animals didn't... It would actually be nice to have an active Witness here to explain this properly.

  • IKnowNothing

    Bed bugs eat small fractions of the blood, so it is permitted. It is up to each bug's individual conscience whether he can partake.

    Leeches on the other hand eat large amounts of blood. They slither. They are clearly the work of the serpent, Satan.

    JWs cannot allow a leech to feed on their own blood. (The Watchtower , June 15, 1982, p. 31)

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Hahaha! You dudes kill me!

    Hmmm... but football is much more fun IF THERE IS ANOTHER TEAM TO PLAY AGAINST!

    Awww, c'mon my creationist friends, come and play with us! We promise not to foul!

  • BreakingAway

    One little known trend is that many of these said creatures are now switching to nonblood volume expanders.Ever see a vampire bat attack a can of Mountain Dew ? It ain't pretty...

  • Hellrider

    Mr. Ben:

    JW's believe that Jehovah created animals to be vegetarian (and perhaps also created meat eating scavengers to keep the earth clean?). They do not believe God CREATED animals that either eat living things or deliberately designed them to feed on the blood of living things.

    The problem isn`t just bed bugs. Certain carnivores, like all the animals of the cat-family, are constructed biologically in a way that would make it impossible for them to survive on a vegetarian diet. In short, there are three types of biological "constructions" in mammals:

    A) vegetarians (deer, cows etc.); these have "long intestines". The food takes a long time to pass thru the system, making it possible for the animal to extract the nourishment from the plants,grass etc.

    B) Carnivores: These animals can only extract nourishment from meat. Their intestines are short, the food passes quickly thru the system. If you put an animal like this (a cat, lion, tiger etc) on a vegetarian diet, it would starve to death, because it would not be able to extract enough nourishment from the plants (the intestines are too short), before passing thru the system. Not to mention that these animals need a lot of proteins to sustain muscle mass.

    C) Omnivores (humans, apes, bears, to a certain degree pigs, dogs, and others): Have relatively long intestines, and can eat anything.

    The thing is: Even in the garden of eden, a tiger could not have survived by eating grass. Its biologically impossible. So either the animals intestines (and teeth...) was changed dramatically by god after Adam and Eve got kicked out, or...the garden of eden wasn`t much of a paradise after all. At least not for the other animals, ha ha.

  • reniaa

    I think this is a case of Jw's possibly going beyond what the bible says, falling into their own trap of backward speculation, but I could be wrong the bible says vegetarian animals in beginning but is that outside of eden?, all we know is man didn't eat meat right upto flood. Speculation often comes back to bite you in the butt, The lion lying down with the lamb scripture is a bible promise but it's in the future. just found a website on creation with a eww youtube on it.


  • JK666

    Good point,

    And while you are at it people, explain ticks and mosquitos. And crabs, not the oceanic variety!


  • IKnowNothing

    Carnivores had no problems in the Garden of Eden. There were nice juicy steak trees!

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