Have you read "Signs of the last days?" by Carl O Jonsson?

by Awakened at Gilead 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead
    What began as a dustbin of sweepings from crackpot authors transitioned into the re-arranging of actual mainstream scholar's work into a crazy quilt religion with contraian overtones and a pig-headed stubborness that is downright antisocial.

    Terry did you plagiarize that from someone else???

    J/K, that was actually quite a profound statement...now if only we can get the 7million JW slaves out there to wake up...


  • Terry
    Terry did you plagiarize that from someone else???



  • caliber

    This is such a good topic for countless lurkers to hear. Old timers to the board may say this is such old news, but its

    time to refresh it for others to see. It's easy to say just go back to topic history, but it's just not the same, there's

    no back and forth input ! Others get to see the raw emotions and feelings as they surface .References and proofs

    document your doubts.... to reaffirm their shocking reality ;As other have already well said ..The implanted idea's

    have always appeared to be almost like a letter from God (semi-inspired was mentioned ).First this idea itself must

    take a tumble. All your investment in time and money and learning, plays on your mind. Your sense of self-pride

    says... why couldn't I see this before now ? Your trust as a whole is shaken, your whole world view must now change !

    In the end it all comes down to "intent", what is the intent behind the WT ?

    My advice though, is to try to pace yourself,an opening mind ( once intentionally starved for free thought) wants to devour

    all the food at once! Take long walks, take time to reflect & slowly accept & absorb!


  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    "A religion that teaches lies cannot be true" (WT Dec 1, 1991, p7)

    ... and the drunken whore rides her lover the wild beast....

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Thanks for the tips Caliber....

    Yes it does bring up strong raw emotions....

  • mouthy

    They just do twisted riffs on other people's homework.< Terry said

    Didnt some one at Bethel say they were" Sucking the Tits of Babylon the Great "I had a laugh when I read that....( I have a sick sense of humor )

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead
    Mouthy:Didnt some one at Bethel say they were" Sucking the Tits of Babylon the Great "


    I think that was Karl Klein... he would have said something like that... but then again Carey Barber was always talking about the "Great Whore"... he preferred the word "whore" to "harlot".... sounds worse I guess.

    Back to discussion on the "Last Days" book... has anyone discussed the Il Piccolo quoting scandal before?


  • M.J.

    What is really disturbing is what was revealed by Kerry Lauderback-Wood in her "Tort of Misrepresentation" article (try googling that). The Society misrepresented its sources in the pamphlet "How Can Blood Save Your Life?" in order to paint blood transfusions as TOO MEDICALLY DANGEROUS to even consider. So in this case the misquotations were used as scare tactics, plain and simple.

    I'm surprised this isn't brought up more often.

    Here's a quote from the article:

    The pamphlet summarizes the immune system argument with the
    words of Dr. John S. Spratt who stated, "The cancer surgeon may need
    to become a bloodless surgeon." The pamphlet does not, however,
    explain a critical distinction between Dr. Spratt's and the Society's
    definition of "bloodless surgeon." Dr. Spratt recommends that
    "cancer surgeons should consider administering only packed washed or
    washed frozen red cells for urgent correction of blood loss." In other
    words. Dr. Spratt is not recommending withholding blood in urgent
    situations, but transfusing Society-banned red blood cells. The
    Society's quotation of Dr. Spratt's comment about "surgeons becoming
    bloodless surgeons" is a classic example of how a literally accurate
    quotation can create a false impression because of an equivocation, in
    this case what constitutes "bloodless surgery."

    Journal of Church and State, Vol. 47, No. 4, Autumn 2005, p. 794

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