I'm pumped, Just ordered Two New Books!

by Hope4Others 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hope4Others


    I'm so excited, many of you are already reading or have read this book.

    I have ordered two of these today, Combatting cult Mind control , One for hubby and I and the other we hope to slip into the hands of

    his brother. Of course hubby will have his underlined and highlighted to no end backwards, forwards and upside down.

    Which in this case should prove interesting if we are reading at the sametime, it will be like a book club I hope and discussion.

    I also saw this book that Steve Hassen also has, Had anyone had a chance to read this? It is unavailable for now.

    Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves| Hardcover
    Steven Hassan | Aitan Publishing Company | May 15, 2000



  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Hi Hope and Caliber,

    Just read it a few weeks ago... and my dub wife even permitted me to read a few excerpts since its not written by an exJW. (nothing has changed though).

    But it was enjoyable reading...

    I'm reading C O Jonnson's books right now... Powerful stuff in my opinion...


  • Hope4Others

    Hi there A&G ,

    wife even permitted me to read a few excerpts since its not written by an exJW

    That's the line I'm going with is not written by a ex-jw, I think it will get you farther along. I have big hopes for this book!

    A little excerpt here and there when you can slip it in will eventually get the curiosity going, leave it out in sight so she has to look at it in passing by.

    Don't mind the italic writing, I just think it looks pretty!


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I have it on my shelf - I read part of it. By the time I got it, I had already been convinced that the only one interested in Combatting Mind Control was me. I had already begun that process on myself by then.

    So, I lost interest by the time I was partway thru it. But it is a good one.


  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    I have Releasing The Bonds, and am about a third of the way through. It certainly seems to have some good information about the methods that high control groups and cults use, but I'm yet to get into detail about Steven's approach and consider if it could help my family. I'm certain that some of it will be relevant. Jehovah's Witnesses are mentioned here and there in the book as examples.

  • flipper

    HOPE 4 OTHERS- " Combatting Cult Mind Control" actually helped me even more than reading " Crisis of Conscience" as it described the whole psychological process involved in how any cult controls it's members. It also opened my eyes up in hindsight ; after being out of the witnesses almost 5 years - what makes it so difficult for Jehovah's Witnesses to break free from the " mind control" as well ! It actually helped me to have more compassion for the rank and file members who are being controlled and manipulated- from the top down

  • Hope4Others

    Thanks Flipper,

    Combatting Cult Mind Control" actually helped me even more

    You were such an encouragement along with the A&G on earlier threads that I just had to get it.



  • Ima Apostate
    Ima Apostate

    My pastor buys me a ton of ex-JW literature (God love him). One of the best is "The 10 Most Important Things to Say to a Jehovah's Witness". Of course, I'm always going to try and get my family to join me in my Army of Apostates. So that book is pretty helpful.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Is that by David Reed?

  • Hope4Others

    10 Most Important Things You Can Say To A Jehovah's Witness

    Author: Ron Rhodes | See more titles by Ron Rhodes


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