Black Magic and Jehovah

by sinis 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nvrgnbk

    Wild experience, millions now living are dead.

    Interesting points about Ialdaboath.

  • Satanus

    If yhwh exists, he certainly isn't a real god. He's more like jabba the hut.



    Black magic? Or white magic? There is a difference.


  • sinis

    millions now living are dead - Thanks! I really enjoyed your comments. With regards to White Magic, are there ceremonies involved? Any authentic books that you, or someone else, could recommend that would show one the path? Thanks again!

    The Black Magic book is intense to read, and though I have disregarded many of the beliefs I had while a dub, something in the back of my mind, gut feeling, is telling me not to perform the ceremonies (and I probably won't). The book looks to be authentic and is written by phd physicists, who have delved into the world they describe for 40 years. They even mention that a person will get burned for getting involved...

  • millions now living are dead
    millions now living are dead


    IMO, this is where it gets hairy. I am not sure I can recommend any books because most masters of White Magic or healing tend to need to work directly with a student so as to monitor and keep safe the student. The real ones tend not to write books about the inner powerful practices, though they may write about general ones. You can find Shamans in South America and some Native Americans who are working with the Light but it's tough because they can appear good but are really manipulating you. You have to trust your gut. As for me, I discovered a teacher of Qigong in my hometown, which is a Chinese practice that utilizes the body and it's energy centers. I follow this path currently because of one reason: It works for me. In my experience with this stuff it appears to be the real deal. Most real teachers don't preach from the roof tops. They don't want students for power reasons, they already have all the power they need directly from the source. They are like Jedi's living in the population. Pretty cool!

    In my opinion, as a general rule, practicing White Magic or a pure spiritual practice requires that you "clean up" first. This means that the practice is done to actually take away things from you at first, not add. For example, you may have a wound from childhood that must be healed or you may be being psychically fed on. Once this stuff is cleared away, then the reason for wanting stuff like money, sex, etc will be clearer. You will be able to access these things but it will be done without violating the boundaries of others.

    Black Magic disregards the "cleaning up" and just gets you what you desire. But you are really adding more crap on you.

    That being said, there are simple prayers, incantations, and visualizations that I have seen in book stores from people with good intent, IMO. I think these do help in getting in touch with helpfull spirits or your creative power and there is no danger. Here's a few I like.

    1) Creative Visualization - Shakti Gawain

    2) The Way of the Shaman - Michael Harner

    3) Awaken Healing Light of the Dao - Mantak Chia

    The best way to find your way is to trust yourself. Ask yourself why you want what you are seeking. It's not wrong to have things and enjoy your life. Nothing wrong with desire. Even getting tangled in bad sh*t like the JW's can make a soul stronger once it gets out.

    Just one mans opinion. Hope this helps.


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