Seeing Afghan women again worth the war

by Eyebrow 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • betweenworlds

    Jerusalim said:

    I've always liked the National Geographic cover photo of the 12 year old Afghani girl with the piercing eyes. She'd be about thirty today, and I often wonder if she's still alive, and if she turned out to be as beautiful as the photo showed she had the potential to be. I wish National Geographic would go back and find her.

    Actually, I heard on CNN the other morning that they have in fact been looking for her, but have been unable to find her! It is indeed a beautiful and haunting picture.


    "Rewards and punishments are the lowest form of education." - Chuang-tzu, Chinese writer (c.369 B.C.-c.286 B.C.).

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Hi Path,
    I usually welcome your comments but this one is whiningly ignorant.
    Maybe the governments of the free countries should just kiss and make up with the poor El Quaida 'freedom fighters'? We should all just invite them over for tea and a barbeque and everything will be okay. We can quit broadcasting our culture, hide our secular freedoms, hide our religion, give Israel and the jews over to the arabs and let them determine their fate. Oh, while were at it, maybe some NOW representatives can go over to Afghanistan and teach the Taliban menfolk how stupid and idiotic they are?

    Pacifism is the delusional idea that everyone would just lay down their arms ans get along if we just quit defending ourselves. WHEN in history has that worked, praytell?
    That's why Americans will never give up their personal firearms. Too many 'little Hitlers' hiding as liberal pacifists running around.
    These Arabs people had taken over the people of Afghanistan and oppressed them, using religion and innocents as a sheild. When are people like you going to quit ignoring things like the Taliban parking military hardware in and around schools, residential areas, mosques, using children as sheilds in firefights (Hamas Palestinian tactic). Wake up before the beast is clawing at your own door!

    BTW, isn't it just ironic that no one has ever seen a fundy Christian crash a jet load of innocent people into a building, blow up a embassy, blow up shoppers at a market place, etc.... and the list goes on?

  • Eyebrow

    I know they will never be as free as women are in the US...but this is a start.

    Of course, I know that showing these pictures does help the US look better for bombing, but at least this is a start.

    On a related note, anyone familiar with RAWA? They are some political organization for Afghan women I think.

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