"Two Weeks"

by AK - Jeff 1 Replies latest social entertainment

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Ever see the movie? Sally Fields is Emmy quality in this one. This movie just ripped at my heart too. I have an almost 4 year old grandson that is the absolute dead-center of my universe - I can't imagine leaving him [or my other g-kids, but they are older than him] and wondering if he would even remember me! I just can't imagine that.

    I cried {ok I admit it} till I could barely see the screen.

    I guess we need an occasional tear-jerker to keep us human. I looked up at the urns containing my brother and mother, and about lost it more than once.


  • momzcrazy

    It was on one of the movie channels last night. But I was doing the clean up, please go to bed I'm exhausted routine. With your review I will definately watch it!


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