April 15 Study Edition

by ozziepost 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ozziepost

    Just in case you've not got a copy yet:

    Studies for June

    Repudiate "Valueless Things"

    Study Review

    1. In a general sense, what valueless things should we repudiate?
    2. How can we avoid letting money become like a god?
    3. In what way can fleshly desires become idolatry?
    4. How can we repudiate valueless things?

    Seek God's Guidance in all Things

    Study Review

    1. Why do we trust Jehovah's guidance?
    2. What is implied if we reject Jehovah's guidance?
    3. What are some situations in which a Christian needs humility?
    4. How does Jehovah guide us today? [oh oh, we know what this means!]

    Young People, Remember Your Grand Creator Now

    Marriage and parenthood in This Time of the End

    Study Review

    1. Why should young Christians not rush into marriage?
    2. What does raising a child involve? [huh????]
    3. Why do many Christians remain single or if married, childless?
    4. What "tribulation" may Christian parents experience? [as if the Borg-masters would know, eh?]

    What Makes Life Worthwhile?

    Study Review

    1. What should move us to think seriously abour our goals in life?
    2. How should we view the pursuit of pleasure and possessions?
    3. What kind of work will bring lasting satisfaction?
    4. What valuable thing should we strive to possess?

    Notice the mind-control techniques here? Use of words like "should' - notice?

    And then there's the pictures with their captions to reinforce control:. Here's the captions:

    • Never allow the desire for material things to slow you down in Jehovah's service.
    • The words of elders can be of great value.
    • Do you look to Jehovah in all aspects of your life?
    • Eve turned her back on Jehovah's sovereignty. [funny how they always show her front!!!! ]
    • What quality did Hagar need if she was to follow the angel's direction?
    • Jehovah provides the very best education.
    • Baruch listened to Jehovah and survived Jerusalem's destruction. What can you learn from this example?
    • Why is it wise for young christians to wait to marry?
    • Why do some Christian couples decide not to have children? [they don't like them?]
    • What place should recreation have in our life?
    • What makes the preaching work deeply satisfying?

    And notice how they try to have it both ways with their "last days" doctrine? Even though they repudiated any time span ingredient, they still pepper their writings with exhortations to do more because there isn't much time left etc etc - just like as if nothing in their teachings had changed.

    Aren't you glad you're missing all this? !!

  • AgentSmith

    Yes, I am so very very very happy I am missing all that rubbish!

    They are still on about not having children 'so close to the end'? That BS has been doing the rounds since Rutherford in the 40's. Come on! How stupid are they? They have couples in Bethel that are about to kick the bucket, that never had children because of this tripe! Can't the R&F see??????

    Oh yes, sorry. I was R&F too and did not notice anything. The F&DS slave says "Folow me, I know the way, I have the sayings that give life!"

    I think Jesus said that first.....twit.

  • Gopher

    What makes life worthwhile? Well I can tell you what DOESN'T make life worthwhile: Spending hours poring over tedious "Bible-based" propaganda, trying to look righteous at the Kingdom Hall, and spending weekend time peddling religious propaganda.

    Also, believing in false promises and living among people who judge you by "theocratic activity" rather than by whom you are as a person does not make life worthwhile.

  • WTWizard

    It looks like they are in for another run at remaining single and/or childless. Telling us that we are too close to the end sounds like another attempt to make people grow old and heavy of heart, knowing that they have not accomplished anything worthwhile. And for what? Some "privilege", like that Value Destroyer Training School (which is that school that trains hounders and assistant hounders to be better value destroyers).

    And they are taking all the fun out of life. They call anything like sex, recreation, relaxation, entertainment, education, and money "valueless things". The idea is that they should be replaced with less direct gratification, like studying ever-changing doctrine from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger, going to boasting sessions, and field circus. None of which can be intensely enjoyable (it might be mildly enjoyable, particularly when things go wrong).

    I am glad I got rid of the worst of the truly valueless things. I no longer have any recordings of Kingdumb Maladies. I shredded every Washtowel and Asleep! magazine I found, and there is not a very good chance of finding any more. I haven't studied a Washtowel or Asleep! except to rebut it. I haven't been to a boasting session since the 2005 REJECT Jesus Party, and I haven't been out in field circus since June 2005 (and I didn't even bother to report it). With those truly valueless things out of the way, I have more time to post apostate material and look at apostate sites.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Repudiate "Valueless Things"

    Study Review

    1. In a general sense, what valueless things should we repudiate?
    2. How can we avoid letting money become like a god?
    3. In what way can fleshly desires become idolatry?
    4. How can we repudiate valueless things?

    1. Anything that doesn't increase the coffers of WTS

    2. Send it all to us. We know how God wants to use it.

    3. Anything that reduces your worship of WTS is idolatry.

    4. Just keep reading, do whatever we say.

    Seek God's Guidance in all Things

    Study Review

    1. Why do we trust Jehovah's guidance?
    2. What is implied if we reject Jehovah's guidance?
    3. What are some situations in which a Christian needs humility?
    4. How does Jehovah guide us today?

    1. Because we are worthless pieces of sh&t that can't be trusted on our own.

    2. That we started thinking for ourselves and need to be shunned.

    3. A judicial committee comes to mind.

    4. How else- entirely through the Governing Body and it's literature.

    Marriage and parenthood in This Time of the End

    Study Review

    1. Why should young Christians not rush into marriage?
    2. What does raising a child involve?
    3. Why do many Christians remain single or if married, childless?
    4. What "tribulation" may Christian parents experience?

    1. We want to suppress your normal desires, counsel you, implant more
    guilt before you give up and just marry another JW.

    2. Totally indoctrinating them.

    3. They cannot find a decent guy among the brothers. Too many sisters.

    4. Deciding to shun their teens when they don't stay loyal to WTS.

    What Makes Life Worthwhile?

    Study Review

    1. What should move us to think seriously abour our goals in life?
    2. How should we view the pursuit of pleasure and possessions?
    3. What kind of work will bring lasting satisfaction?
    4. What valuable thing should we strive to possess?

    1. Very little. We will just tell you what to set as goals.

    2. You don't really need us to remind you, but just in case-
    These lead to everlasting pissing off of Mother Borg.

    3. Work that doesn't involve missing meetings.

    4. A WT Library, a 4-door field circus car, meeting clothes, good shoes,
    the ability to swallow your pride.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Notice the loaded language? Once one is away from the rubbish bin for awhile, the odor when approaching is offensive beyond imagination. And remembering that I used to eat from it 'joyfully', is truly enough to make me vomit when I smell it again.

    Thanx for the review. That's about all the 'food at the proper time' I can tolerate for a while.


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