Wordless World

by hamilcarr 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • VoidEater

    Alanis Morissette song:

    Why are you so petrified of silence
    Here, can you handle this:
    Did you think about your bills, your ex, your deadlines
    Or when you think you're gonna die
    Or did you long for the next distraction

  • BurnTheShips
    I think you're perfectly right in your comment because, in my opinion, meta-poetry presupposes the view that words lack the capacity to convey unambiguous meaning.

    Machine languages do not.

    Of course, this renders them useless in many ways.


  • Alpaca

    Language is so interesting. I took 2 years of classical Greek a few years ago to fulfill my foreign language requirement for my degree. It was fascinating to learn that there are single words in another language that would take a full sentence to express in English.

    Different languages have different strengths and weaknesses. Some are very colloquial (I've been told that Norweigan is that wasy, and English definitely is), which is a challenge for non-native speakers to fully grasp the nuances of meaning that lie beyond the actual words. Other languages are extremely literal and precise.

    lnterestingly, it is the ambiguity in English that makes it such a rich source of humor.

    Good thread....thanks!



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