Scans needed, Aid to Bible Understanding (not 1971)

by Fatfreek 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fatfreek

    I have the original release of the Aid to Bible Understanding book (English), Copyright, 1971 (inside front cover). Only if there is a later Copyright date cited in your Aid book will I need your help.

    I wish to make a word for word comparison of certain articles that were found in the Aid book, then transcribed into its predecessor -- the Insight on the Scriptures.

    Please scan at least the entire Aid book paragraph (the whole page is not needed) which resembles the following Insight on the Scriptures quotations and which are embedded in the following 5 articles:

    *** it-1 p. 616 Destruction ***
    This is also illustrated by what happened to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and their inhabitants. Jude indicated that these cities were everlastingly destroyed. (Jude 7; compare 2Pe 2:6.) However, Jesus’ words recorded in Matthew 10:15 show that at least some of the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah will receive a resurrection.--See JUDGMENT DAY.

    *** it-1 p. 985 Gomorrah ***
    Though the cities underwent "the judicial punishment of everlasting fire" (Jude 7), Jesus indicated that people of Sodom and Gomorrah would experience a resurrection to stand for judgment.

    *** it-2 p. 137 Judgment Day ***
    This projected the matter into the future and naturally suggested that the people of Sodom and Gomorrah would then be alive by means of resurrection.

    *** it-2 pp. 775-776 Repentance ***
    By contrast, the people of Sodom and Gomorrah as well as those of Canaanite Tyre and Sidon are spoken of by Jesus as finding "Judgment Day" more endurable than would the people of certain Jewish cities. (Mt 10:14, 15; 11:20-24) Those of pagan Nineveh are similarly spoken of. (Mt 12:41) This of itself implies that people from all such places, including the Jewish cities mentioned, will be resurrected and have opportunity to manifest humble repentance and "turn around" in conversion to God through Christ.

    *** it-2 p. 985 Sodom ***
    Sodom and Gomorrah were everlastingly destroyed as cities, but this would not preclude a resurrection for people of those cities.

    Len Miller

  • cabasilas

    As far as I know, I believe all the editions of the Aid book in English are the same and there are no textual changes. It'd be interesting to see if there are changes.

    Don't know if you have the PDF of the Aid book that was posted by Atlantis awhile back. It's at:

  • Fatfreek

    No, Caba, I don't have that. Further, I am on a slow connection and I understand that it is a monster download. If you, or someone with it, take a peek for that copyright date -- and it's much newer than 1971, that will tempt me to download it.


  • Galileo

    It's the 1971 version.

  • Fatfreek

    Thanks, Galileo. Len

  • bigmouth

    Did you know the original Aid book was published in parts beginning with A - E in 1969 ? It was intended for release in 1970 but didn't arrive complete until the following year.

  • Fatfreek

    I had forgotten, Bigmouth, until I ran across those KM announcements last night.

    One reminded me how much I paid, $7, for the full version, which I have now. I recall my ex-wife looking at me with daggers in her eyes as I rushed from our stadium seats to be one of the first in line. That was a lot of money in those years considering the 4 children to feed and clothe.


  • bigmouth

    Ah, good times Len :(

    If the kids died of starvation there was always the resurrection. Funnily, I paid $7.00 NZ too when I bought mine about 1982. I read somewhere that Ray Franz had a lot to do with the research and writing of this mighty tome.


  • Fatfreek

    I read somewhere that Ray Franz had a lot to do with the research and writing of this mighty tome.

    You have a good memory my friend, Bigmouth.


  • Fernando

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