Caption This Cartoon!

by sacolton 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    "We're inviting some 30 year olds onto the GB so the end won't seem so near"

  • wings

    This meeting is over, time for drinks all around.

  • mouthy

    We are going to let all those we d/f talk to those we told you not to !!!!

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    Stop drooling. Stop it. Stop it now.

    Fu**ing Hell'man!

    Shut up! Get out! You Fu**ing Pelicans!

  • yknot

    We are excited to announce Jehovah's generous provision of moving all financial accounts off-shore and the opportunity for those who donate the sum of $17,650 or more yearly through the automatic donation provision to recieve a credited extra 20 hours of service each month!

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Ok I'll repeat one more time. The old light remains the old light but the new light is the old old light, the old old light is no longer the old old light but the new light whilst..... Oh just do what you're told!

  • AuldSoul

    "We are resolved, brothers. No matter how long it takes, no matter how nonsensical our doctrines eventually appear to others, no matter how often we must change our doctrines or prophetic interpretations just as time has proved them outstandingly incorrect, we are resolved that we will never be happier than we are as Jehovah's Witnesses!"

    (and, sad to say, it is all too often true)

  • civicsi00

    "Jesus actually arrived in 1995, and became King that year. But he has not sat down to judge the Earth, and separate the sheep from the goats. We're re-writing our history books to reflect all of this, and so we need to get out there and preach the new date. Oh, and it turns out he's not Michael."

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