you can never have too much toilet paper

by wings 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • wings

    That is if you have 8 females in the house. Recently I had a wonderful experience. My step daughter and granddaughter (3 yrs old) flew in to see me from Hawaii. My youngest daughter flew in from Boulder, Colorado. My oldest daughter and two of my granddaughters (3 and 4 yrs old) live with me, as does my 82 yr. old mother. That makes eight. Just us gals....two wonderful weeks!

    We had so many highs and lows, but I wouldn't have traded a minute of it. We are family, we love each other. It was nice to have that reminder, the memories will always be mine.

    I am always sharing the low times with you. Thought I would let you know that not everything in my life is hard.

    Love you guys!

    Here is a pic of me and my granddaughters.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I'm happy to hear you had a wonderful time with your family! We have to take the good times when we can, and keep the memories close to our hearts for when life gets us down.

    I can't see your pic.


  • wings
    I can't see your pic.

    Do I have to go through photo bucket? I've never posted a pic before.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Love and Best Wishes,


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    you have two options - photobucket or you can upload a pic to JWD and post if from here. If you look in the box where your PM's are, just under there is "Files" and you can upload a pic from your hard drive to JWD and attach it that way if you don't have a photobucket account.


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I can see all your smiling faces now!


  • watson

    I can tell you are very proud. That's neat.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Nice post Wings... Cute grandkids...

    I have a full house too.. the toilet paper doesn't last long with 6 people in the house!

  • free2think

    That's so sweet Wings, you have beautiful grandchildren, and you're a hot granny.

  • Hope4Others

    Your so lucky to have sweet little grandkids, their is always a special place for them

    in ones heart. Glad you had a happy time with your family.


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