Save a Life for $10

by bisous 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • bisous

    I blogged about this and thought I would share it here.

    April 25th is World Malaria day. There is a worldwide campaign to deliver enough anti-malaria nets to needy families to eradicate malaria. A child dies every 30 seconds of malaria in Africa alone. That is a shocking statistic that is so easily remedied.

    Malaria is both preventable and treatable. For $10, a family can receive an anti-malaria net and instruction on how to properly use it. The UN Foundation is working with a number of partners to make this happen. If you choose to donate $10, 100% of your donation will go to providing a net. ZERO percent to the dreaded "administrative overhead".

    Please join me in this simple but significant endeavor. Ten bucks, people.

    Thank you.

  • nvrgnbk
  • Ingenuous

    Better yet - Play the "Deliver the Net" game on the site, and a net gets sent on your behalf for FREE! Email the link and get all your cheap friends involved!

  • bisous

    Better even still, play the game AND cough up $10 bucks and send TWO nets for only $5 each!!!!

    (thanks nvr! damn Mac hating site)

  • bisous

    A fellow poster shared that Canada is also hosting a campaign for World Malaria Day where one can donate a net for $7 CDN.

  • zeroday

    DDT was introduced as an insecticide during the 1940s. In Churchill's words: "The excellent DDT powder has been found to yield astonishing results against insects of all kinds, from lice to mosquitoes."

    And astonishing they were. DDT was particularly effective against the anopheles mosquito, which is the carrier of malaria, and people once hoped that DDT would eradicate malaria worldwide. Consider Sri Lanka. In 1946, it had three million cases, but the introduction of DDT reduced the numbers, by 1964, to only 29. In India, the numbers of malaria cases fell from 75 million to around 50,000.

    The third world was handed a DEATH sentence when DDT was bad I guess the world would rather have millions of third world dead than such a simple solution...and before you get on your high horse DDT is as safe as water...but why do I care I don't live in a third ban it...

  • bisous

    What high horse? This thread is intended to be positive and offer a simple, inexpensive way to do some good in the world.

    So are you going to give a net?

  • zeroday
    Was Rachel Carson a fraud and is DDT actually safe for humans? According to Marjorie Mazel Hecht and [San Jose State University] professor J. Gordon Edwards at, DDT is safe and indeed saved and can save human lives, and Rachel Carson's Silent Spring is full of lies. According to them, the banning of DDT was politically motivated and went against the majority of scientific opinion. Yet I consistently hear how dangerous DDT is.

    I will be more than happy to give a net but that is like putting a bandaid on cancer...the solution is so simple and provable...but the world body politics refuses to consider the simple solution...

  • bisous

    Well I can't legalize DDT but I can give nets. So I will give nets.

  • zeroday
    Well I can't legalize DDT but I can give nets. So I will give nets.

    I applaud your effort...I just wish the world would come to their senses and realize the total solution has always been at our finger is such a shame that millions have died over politics but what else is new...

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