Christian Unity --- At What Cost?

by hamilcarr 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hamilcarr

    Many leave the WTS organisation because they are in search of christian freedom, while others stay within because they're proud of being a part of a group which displays christian unity, even though they often doubt some of the decisions of the GB. I think it's hard to deny that JWs demonstrate a remarkable unity in both doctrinal issues and everyday topics.

    What do the concepts "Christian unity" (1 Cor 1:10) and "Christian freedom" (Ga 5:13) mean to you and how do they relate to one another? Are these terms not mutually exclusive, hence, is it possible to be really free if you are required to be "fitly united in the same mind and in the same line of thought' (NWT)?

    All responses welcome.

  • R.Crusoe

    You cannot come to the father except through me is an ambigously divisive belief!

    Being Jesus like inside ones heart or being scripturally bound as he was?

    It's the preaching of a doctrine to enslave the soul that I see as derisory rarer than inspiring life, love and living to everyones benefit.

    Judgementalism seems so interwoven with it I choose to avoid it for the sake of sanity!

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Unity does not = uniformity!

    That's it in a nutshell

  • Satanus

    Is unity christian?


  • WTWizard

    "Christian" unity is a contradiction of terms, at least as the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger uses it. Jesus wanted people to think on their own, not as one unit. And that would prevent absolute unity, since everyone has different takes on life experiences, and we all have access to different information.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    Sad emo

    Unity does not = uniformity!

    Amen! You nailed it.

  • hamilcarr
    Unity does not = uniformity!

    I think JWs would agree on this. Uniformity means being of the same form, which isn't the same as being of the same mind as Paul stated. The WT organisation allows for diversity as to different forms but not different mindsets. The difference may be subtle, but is rather essential.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    The WT organisation allows for diversity as to different forms but not different mindsets.

    Could you explain or discribe JW "different forms"

  • Narkissos

    It strikes me that in the N.T. neither "unity" nor "freedom" are called "Christian," but instead they are qualified (if not defined) by the adjunction of the "miracle word" Spirit. Through this word we have, I feel, the Christian version of the Greek (and especially Stoic) ideal of harmony, allowing for the peaceful conciliation of the one and the multiple. An ideal particularly suitable to an empire made of different languages and cultures.

    The "original sin" of this kind of ideal, I believe, is that it represses any straightforward thinking of antagonism as the way "reality" really works (the Christian world will have to wait for Hegel before the thought of antagonism is seriously reintroduced in philosophy). In the Christian version it resulted in practical dualism, making any difference between spiritual unity and institutional uniformity purely formal (as in the JW use of the motto), and "freedom" a rather empty word, and leaving to "Satan" difference and freedom in any meaningful sense.

  • nvrgnbk
    Unity does not = uniformity!

    I think JWs would agree on this.

    Yes they would.

    In fact, I seem to recall public talk outline dedicated to that concept.

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