The Gun Story You Did Not See This Week

by hillbilly 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillbilly

    Court Shoots Down S.F. Gun Ban

    State Supreme Court Rejects Initiative To Regulate Firearms

    POSTED: 5:57 am PDT April 10, 2008 UPDATED: 11:00 am PDT April 10, 2008

    SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. -- A ruling by the state Supreme Court has brought an end to San Francisco's attempts to ban handguns in the city.

    In a ruling Wednesday, the court unanimously rejected the city's appeal of a lower-court ruling that sharply limited the ability of localities to regulate firearms.

    The ruling deals a final blow to Proposition H, an initiative voters passed in November of 2005.

    alt sponsor

    The ordinance would have forbidden San Francisco residents to possess handguns, as well as prohibit the manufacture, sale or distribution of any type of firearms or ammunition in the city.

    Only law enforcement officers and others who needed guns for professional purposes would have been exempted.

    The National Rifle Association had opposed the measure, suing on behalf of gun owners and dealers a day after the measure passed.

    Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Thank you for bringing these stories to the fore.

    I believe the right to self-defense exists.

    I am the NRA.

  • HappyDad

    This is GREAT news!


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    I can't wait to see what the feds do. I may be trapped in Jersey soon. The govenor wants to tax people for leaving the state. Without guns this place is gonna feel like jail!

  • hillbilly


  • Dorktacular

    Imagine if private citizens were allowed to carry hand guns in New York City?? I bet NOBODY would get mugged! Guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens is the answer, not the problem.

  • Robdar

    Very good news!

    The govenor wants to tax people for leaving the state

    What? Got a link?

  • inrainbows

    Oh god, availability of handguns doesn't drive violence. It is a side issue.

    Well-fed, fully employed, educated people with money and security don't run off and cap the mf next door or go gang-banging.

    If they do break the law it's white collar crime.

    Social inequality drives violence.

    Just look at the stats between US and Western Europe.

    BIG difference is social inequality, which is FAR higher un the USA than in the EU.

    Whilst it is true the super rich (top-10%) in the USA are richer than the top 10% of European rich, the super poor in the US are TWICE as poor as the super-poor in the Scandinavian countries and North-West European countries like the Netherlands.

    In the US people have historically voted for systems of taxation and governance that mean they MIGHT be able to get super rich easier than in Europe. Very very few do, and far more people pay for this 'freedom' in the social inequality such a biased soceity generates.

    They have been miseducated so they think the social democracy of Europe equals Soviet socialism. By who? Errrr... the super rich... it's a great system, the great middle class, who are worse off than two decades ago, are the pawns of the elite and vote for the polcies that keep the elite getting even eliter. The poor are so hacked off they disenfranchise themselves.

    The USA; (slightly) freer to be rich, a LOT freer to live and die in multi-generational poverty.

    Ah, land of the free, you must be so proud. No wonder Liberty looks towards Europe...

  • hillbilly

    Oh god, availability of handguns doesn't drive violence. It is a side issue.

    Well-fed, fully employed, educated people with money and security don't run off and cap the mf next door or go gang-banging.

    If they do break the law it's white collar crime.

    Social inequality drives violence .

    Just look at the stats between US and Western Europe.

    BIG difference is social inequality, which is FAR higher un the USA than in the EU.

    etc etc et al

    and pray tell, what does your diatribe have to do with a California court showing good sense?


  • inrainbows

    Well, people clapping hands and going 'oh, goody, we get to keep our guns, woo-hoo, we'll be safer' is actually ignoring the underlying issue behind violent crime that makes people want to carry guns.

    Peoiple can indulge in in a NRA-esque back-slap-fest if they want.

    But to think the right of a locale to control weaponry being overturned will be anything other than a band-aide on violent crime is a joke. At best it's a pill to control a disease only a transplant (of social attiudes) will really address.

    Tell me, do you think social violence drives the violence that differentiates American society from European society?

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