The Borg indict themselves.....check it out...

by Alpaca 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Alpaca

    Check out this amazing admission from their website. See the highligted text toward the bottom....

    Jehovah's Witnesses Official Web Site

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    What Will the Future Bring?

    Where Is This World Heading?

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    WHAT will the next 10, 20, or 30 years bring? It can be frightening to contemplate the future in this age of terrorism. Technology is booming. Globalization has made many nations interdependent. Will world leaders unite and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow? Some people say yes, hoping that by the year 2015, leaders will be able to stem the tide of poverty and hunger, reverse the spread of AIDS, and halve the proportion of those without access to safe drinking water and sanitation.—See the box “Optimism Versus Reality.”

    James 4:13, 14 , Today’s English Version

    However, man’s vision of the future has often proved to be illusory. For example, decades ago one expert said that by 1984, farmers would plow the ocean floor with underwater tractors; another said that by 1995, cars would be equipped with computerized hardware that would prevent collisions; and another predicted that by 2000, there would be some 50,000 people living and working in space. Of course, those who made such predictions likely now wish they had remained silent. One journalist wrote: “There’s nothing like the passage of time to make the world’s smartest people look like complete idiots.”

  • WTWizard

    That is, until they open their big mouths and start making forecasts based solely on what they want people to do. Then, when time passes and the predictions fail to come, they look totally stupid.

    I recall the "Deliverance Is At Hand" Grand Boasting Session of 2006. They ranted that we wouldn't see 2007. Then the False Religion Disaster--that was supposed to set off the Great Tribulation in the late fall of 2006 (and never did). And they wasted all of 2007 predicting that Armageddon would come before 2008, and that people should not go to college (like they said in 1969). And, once again, we are in time that they claimed should be into the new order.

    Like 1914, like 1925, like 1975, will also come 2014 and 2034. People are going to sell out and waste their time knocking on doors, only to have the end do another no show. Then the Watchtower Society is going to have to do its Dark Ages-like stunt and erase the past. Ultimately, they are going to do a good job in looking ridiculous. The pedophile problem will only add to the problem.

  • OnTheWayOut

    WT literature quoted an expert that said that by 1975, the world would be totally unsafe to live in.

    Too bad the JW's won't "get" what you are referring to here.

  • MeneMene

    I wonder who wrote that article for the Borg The bottom of the WT web page said - Appeared in Awake Jan 2006.

    Compare the 01/09/2006, South Asian News article, Where Is This World Heading?

    Also see Time Magazine's Special Report, Forward Thinking (posted 10/3/2004)

    "Albert Einstein remarked in 1932 that "there is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable." Thomas Edison thought alternating current would be a waste of time. Franklin Delano Roosevelt once predicted, when he was Assistant Secretary of the Navy, that airplanes would never be useful in battle against a fleet of ships. There's nothing like the passage of time to make the world's smartest people look like complete idiots. ..."

    (Now that I know the WTS doesn't give credit for the quotes they use, I like looking for where they came from)

  • lancelink

    I couldn't help but think about how the passage of time can make people who make predictions look foolish.

    This link from 1968 tried to say how life would be in 2008,
    kind of like the wtbts !!

  • Fadeout

    MeneMene: (Now that I know the WTS doesn't give credit for the quotes they use, I like looking for where they came from)

    Ain't that the truth. At the 2007 "Follow The Christ!" district convention the speaker quoted "a scholar" regarding the many ways in which Jesus proved to be the Messiah. I looked up the quote later and found that "the scholar" worthy of being quoted at a DC (and elsewhere, in the Watchtower) was none other than Lee Strobel, a leader in Christendom and author of such books as "The Case for Christmas" and "The Case for Easter."

    On the one hand the WTS doesn't trust anything any "worldly" source says... on the other hand if it happens to agree with their own view they will quote them as an absolute authority on the subject.

  • SPAZnik
    Now that I know the WTS doesn't give credit for the quotes they use, I like looking for where they came from

    yeah menemene ... this used to bug my spidey senses when i wuz in ... now i see why they forbid reading secular information ... hypocritical bastards were repackaging secular info and selling it under the guise of spirit directed illumination/enlightenment, crediting a guy on the fly in the sky and themselves. pfft.

  • Mary
    Of course, those who made such predictions likely now wish they had remained silent. One journalist wrote: “There’s nothing like the passage of time to make the world’s smartest people look like complete idiots.

    Well I'd certainly never think of the Writing Dept as being amongst "the world's smartest people", but they do manage to make themselves look like complete idiots on a fairly regular basis.

  • moshe

    Some people are smart, but what they tell us is not what we want to hear- Who said, "true words are not kind and kind words are not true"? Don't smoke, don't be overweight, don't eat junk food, etc. In the back of my mind I still have this niggling fear that some major crisis/disaster will strike and I could have at least put enough supplies away for a month and didn't do it. Then I tell myself it is just the residue from years of WT indoctrination.

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