Blondies Comments You Will Not Hear at the 3-23-08 WT Study (Constantly)

by blondie 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    ALL I CAN SAY IS YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • NewYork44M

    Wow Blondie. I forgot how much I missed you and your comments.

    Welcome back. I hope this means that you are feeling better.

  • Dogpatch

    good one Blondie!



    3 A soldier usually wielded his sword with his right hand, leaving that side unprotected by the shield held in his left hand. Yet, he was protected if a friend fought him on his right. If we keep Jehovah in mind and do his will, he will protect us. So let us see how, considering Bible accounts can strengthen our faith so that we "keep Jehovah always before [us]."Byington. (a Bible translation owned by the WTS that uses "Jehovah" in the OT extensively, but not in the NT)

    Will he protect me from: ageing,dying,cancer,illness,poverty,disease,drowning,car accident,plane crash,mugging,robbery,suicide,mental illness,loss of job,divorce,and many other bad things that happen in our everyday lives?

    I see alot of people that don't keep Jehovah in mind and do his will live better and more meaningful lives. I see no extra benefits that his followers receive. Only the WTS benefit from all its members toil! DO MORE IN THE PREACHING WORK AND JEHOVAH WILL PROTECT YOU(while we sell off all the properties and settle lawsuits)!!!!!!!


  • caliber


    I feel such a calm and peacfulness within your thoughts always ------- acceptance without emotional rantings

    Well thought out dignified comments, which always makes them a only read! Not only is your brain working

    but it appears to me that you have such harmony & balance within it ! Thankyou for your invalvable input to this board .

    Welcome back !


  • cognac

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 03-23-08 WT Study (February 15, 2008 WT, pages 3-7)(CONSTANTLY)

    I disagree with this statement. Thank-you for this great information (I don't usually read these posts...)

    Anyways, I will be incorporating some of this in my comments... lol, not word for word, but I'm gonna bring some of this stuff out.

    I'll get the tape, if anyone is interested, lol...

  • cognac

    Do they learn that they can marry unbelievers as Esther and Ruth's husband did?
    I'm retarded when it comes to the hebrew scriptures. What was the outcome of this? Were the punished? Why did they do this?

  • V

    Blondie's my hero! Good to have you back in action.


  • Blueblades

    Blondie! No watchtower conductor still in can light a candle to you. You haven't lost your touch. You are so right when you ask "Where Is Jesus?" Especially at this time of the year! I missed you. Others have picked up the mantle while you have not been feeling well, and they have all been doing a good job.

    Still, I have always thought that you would compile all your comments into one tome, which I know would be a keeper, whether in book form or on a CD. If you ever do it, many would see and read between the lines that the watchtower's comments are simply not true. Many more would come out of captivity.

    I understand that it would be a great undertaking and maybe there would be some copywrite issues, but, it is something that I personally would use to help others get out of the organization.

    Not withstanding this, you have already helped so many to see the watchtower for what it truely is, not worthy of any comments.

    Take good care of yourself and hubby


  • jgnat

    reniaa, (smile) you are ten years behind the current magazine study format. Indeed, Witnesses do not want to hear these comments. When my hubby corraled me in to underlining this study, I warned him I'd be referencing Blondie's study. He ran out of the room, hands over ears, "lalalala I don't want to hear it."

    Ah well. Since I'm doing the study, I'll throw in a few more cents. I've always enjoyed the story of the talented Jewish artisans ornamenting the temple with palm leaf designs and others that they had learned in Egypt. I am reminded of Proverbs 22:24. I see the society claims the Holy Spirit provided all the inspiration, but they stretch the scriptures to fit. These were talented men in their own right, who were encouraged to use thier gifts.

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