Rutherford HAD proof Britain and USA would go Fascist in W.W.2 Wow!

by Witness 007 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    His book "Enemies" 1937 p.291 "Will Great Britain and America become Fascist under the dominating control of the Roman Catholic hierarchy? The scriptures and the facts, appear to fully support that conclusion.....what was the real inducement that caused King Edward to abdicate may be better understood in the near future..." {turns out he was right}

    Well done Rutherford! I research King Edward and found in 1936 King Edaward resigned as King to marry a divorcee named Mrs Simpson. FBI files released in 2003 show Mrs Simpson had Nazi connections. They both visited Germany as Hitlers special guests with Edward giving the Nazi salute. He and Hitler made a secret deal that when Britain is conquered Edward would resume his role as a "Nazi" king of England! The British government was so embarrassed with his Pro-Nazi stance that the gave him a position in Barbados, well out of the way of the war. He was qouted in many papers as being pro-Nazi and thinking blacks were lower class.

    Note: The British soccer team 1936 Berlin Olympics gave the Nazi salute before the game....even though Hitler wasn't there! This caused a stirr around the do you think Rutherford wonder his paranoia told him the Catholic Fascists would take over and Armagedon will be over in the 1940's.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Also in his speech and booklet "Fascism or Freedom - 1939 Says that Stalins Soviet Union has joined with the Catholic Hitler Nazi, Mussolini fascist alliance!.....when the tides of war changed with Germany turning on Russia this was later dropped from his "Prophecy" and later booklets.

    Front cover of my booklet shows a man in prison with a Soviet ball and chain and a Nazi ball and chain on each leg....this part of the prophecy only lasted less then 2 years when the German/Soviet war embarrasing for Rutherford, but oh well at least Britain did turn Fascist........damn no luck at all! Jehovah major mix up!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Qoute "Fascism or Freedom?" p.27-31 "For centuries it has been the desire of the head of the Catholic Hierarchy to rule the world as a spiritual overlord....they may for a brief period of time gain control of the Brtish Empire and of America, and then, God declares, he will completley destroy all such organisations....Armagedon which is near at hand."

  • R.Crusoe

    There are lots of hypothetical predictions anyone could make about all maneer of world events if one studied current trends!

    One could write pges of them!

    And sure enough certain ones would unfold!

    No big deal lest you use it for your own advantage in some way!

    Something I have lost any desire to do!

  • kurtbethel

    I dunno, with all those British surveillance cams and America has turned into Checkpoint Nation, maybe Da Judge was on to something, with just being off on the exact timing.

    Sometimes the squirrel gets the nut.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Later Witnesses say the Nazi's lost the war for persecuting "Jehovah's Witnesses" so they just re-write history to suite themselves.

  • hotspur

    I still reckon Rutherford was wrong.

    Edward would have done anything to have his beloved Wallace Simpson [even a fake Nazi salute?]. Oswald Mosely created the closest thing to a Fascist organisation in Britain and was severely censured for doing so. It was only Britain's tolerance in a democratic sense that made certain it wasn't outlawed. Tolerated, yes, though never outlawed. The Blackshirts were never thought of highly. Public opinion was most definitely against them. During the war? They were lucky to be spared their lives in some parts of the country.

    To suggest that this made Britain a Fascist state is going a long way toward the far-fetched! The King was mainly a figurehead not the governmental authority Rutherford is alluding to here. Which really was another way of distorting things to his own ends. He was rather good at that wasn't he?

  • Leolaia

    You can't miss that Rutherford regarded Hitler and Mussolini as demonized puppets of the Vatican, and it was the Vatican that was directing the war and overthrow of governments towards totalitarianism. He believed that Catholic civil organizations in this country were the "Fifth Column" plotting to impose totalitarianism. He also stated that the overthrow of the American and British governments by totalitarian forces WILL happen, and that it is useless to resist.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Gee I didn't know that there was Crack back in Rutherfords day? because he must have been hitting the Crack pipe a bit too much.

  • Pahpa

    The old literature was replete with Rutherford's condemnation of the facists and other forms of oppressive "worldly governments." But when it came to saving Watchtower property such as that in Magdeburg, Germany, Rutherford hypocritically went to great lengths to appease Hitler and the Nazis by condeming England, American and the "international Jew." It didn't work. So, after this vain attempt, Rutherford became quite vociferous in his opposition.

    The Watchtower is quite silent about this aspect of its own history. Little wonder!

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