Helpless Tears

by R.Crusoe 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • R.Crusoe

    Seeing people oppressed just makes them flow like rivers!

    What is your understanding and feeling about the Tibet situation?

  • Moxie

    That is so sad, so tragic... It never ceases to amaze me what men can do to other men. I applaud the Dalai Lama who still encourages non-violence even in this desperate situation. But have to wonder why other nations do not step in to the aid of the Tibetans. Oh wait, because its China, and the rest of the Western world depends upon China for the majority of their national imports! Yes folks, its all about the almighty buck. Sorry Tibet, 'made in China' junk is more important to our pocketbooks than you. Sad, sad, sad.

    The Chinese are guilty of persecuting so many peaceful people. The worst I have ever heard of is a peaceful group called the Falun Gong who are suffering imprisonment, unbelievable torture and execution at the hands of Chinese police. If you have an iron stomach you can read their stories on Google, but please don't look if you are impressionable. It is far worse than the holocaust in Nazi Germany.


  • dinah

    R. Crusoe,

    I meant to reply to this when I first saw it. Sorry, I got distracted.

    Buddism and the Dalai Lama make more sense to me than almost anything. Even professed Christians hurt each other. China is just cracking down because they want to be the "higher power". They don't call communisim the iron curtain for nothin'. IMHO the west has let China get us by the balls.

  • SacrificialLoon

    I'm not suprised that the PRC is doing this, nor am I surpriised at the West's lack of response. Why would we risk pissing of our (the U.S.)largest creditor? We'll just tell them something to the effect of "You know that's really not nice.", but we'll continue to support the regime by buying cheap goods from state controlled factories. I wouldn't be suprised if some of the monks are put to work in a state run factory since that's what they usually do with political prisoners these days. We'll eventually forget about it like we have Tiananmen square.

    Eventually Tibet will be assimilated by the mass migration of Han Chinese into Tibet, and that will be the end of Tibet.

  • dinah

    And American greed triumphs again.

  • applejuice

    but remember, the dalai-lama and his cronies had an absolute dictatorship when they was in power in tibet, even more hardline than the chinese, but the dalai-lama has done a fantastic job of marketing his plight over the last few decades.

  • SacrificialLoon

    Heh, American greed loses again. China has been using our short term greed to their long term benefit for some time now.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll
    China is just cracking down because they want to be the "higher power". They don't call communisim the iron curtain for nothin'.

    It is so sad, I hope we stay out of it. We don't need another war.

  • Hope4Others
    Buddism and the Dalai Lama make more sense to me than almost anything

    They (China) sure are using the Dalai Lama as the source of all the problems even though he promotes peace.


  • R.Crusoe

    I fail to comprehend why a peaceful people would be seen as a threat in Tibet unless it were not for massive amounts of natural resources and strategic placement of its land?

    In short is this a prime example of trading human lives for money and land or is there something I am ignorant of?

    It confuses me because the Chinese government is so powerful and wealthy with massive amounts of land and people anyhow, that I find it hard to believe they would want to eradicate a peaceful people purely for selfish gains??? Why would they??? Why would anyone???

    Can someone explain the reality?

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