How the WT will allow all to partake

by yknot 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot

    Random Memorial Mainstreaming thought

    Is it possible to allow all to partake and save face and authority?

    Then it occured to me that yes, and quite simply too.

    Ahh new

    The covenant with Israel included all of Israel...which had kings and priests Thus the WTS could maintain their "priestly anointed class" title while allowing the peasants to partake. I predict we will see this within then next 20 years. After all the organization corporation has already shown willingness to ditch Rutherford in order to survive. Imagine how overjoyed the masses of sheeple will be, thus proving that the end is near and the light is getting brighter.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse


  • mkr32208

    I've got $20 says that the WT isnt' around in 20 years. At least not as it exist now. I think there will be pockets of hardcore older witnesses who meet in private homes and such but I think that as it exist now it's going down soon...

    Any takers?

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I've got $20 says that the WT isnt' around in 20 years. At least not as it exist now. I think there will be pockets of hardcore older witnesses who meet in private homes and such but I think that as it exist now it's going down soon...

    Any takers?

    As much as I really really really like that idea, I can't see it happening.

  • mkr32208

    Sooooo your taking the bet? Ok in $20 years you email me and we'll see who owes who $20!

  • MissingLink

    By allowing all to partake are you suggesting they ditch the earthly hope altogether?

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Allowing all to partake would in my opinion be a smart move for them; it would obscure the year-to-year ``remnant countdown, " enable them to avoid any embarassaing upticks in the number of partakers such as last year's, answer critics who rightly point out the weakness of excluding of partaking by anyone who claims to be a follower of Jesus;.and postpone indefinitely any speculation about the imminence of Armageddeon based on the countdown. They can rationalize it easily in any one of a number of ways with selected scripture texts.

    Speaking of imminence and avoidance of embarassment, they need some sort of rabbit to pull out of their hat with respect to the approach of 2014. Its arrival -- and Armageddeon's non-arrival by then -- is gonna raise more than a few eyebrows, both inside and outside the organization.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    Blondie or someone - could use your help on this - I distinctly remember an article, maybe 20 years ago, where the WT addressed the question, "Since all of Israel, including alien residents, celebrated the passover, why don't the other sheep partake?" - something like that.

    Of course, the WT explained it away, but they could use similar reasoning to allow for everyone to take the emblems.

  • Pahpa

    I'm not really sure that this will happen. Having the title of "anointed" is still a mark of superiority among JWs. Those in the leadership would find it difficult to give up this special status. It is part of their authority over other members even though they have downplayed the significance of it for those in the congregation who choose to partake at the Memorial. Leaders are always reluctant to give up any advantage they have over others.

  • DanTheMan

    "Annointed only" is such an entrenched WT tradition that I can't imagine how they could introduce new light on this one.

    They can barf up a couple of StinkTower articles where they completely reverse course on decades of propaganda concerning a particular doctrinal point, such as with the Generations teaching, and get away with it because such changes have little or no effect on the actual experience of being a JW. But to change the experience of the Memorial so radically would be too much. They're stuck with their old-wineskins (and imo completely bizarre) yearly ritual of passing around bread and wine and having maybe one or two people partake in some KH's and none at all in most.

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