Urgency Enigma....

by hotspur 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hotspur

    How come an organization that is busting all out to get people through Armageddon urgently is not teaching anything about survival? Any storm predicted (weather forecast) sees people scurrying around to protect themselves. All that seems to happen in JW land is preparation for more printing. Even Noah preached AND built an ark!

    I mean, all the pictures I ever saw was of people dressed neatly, clean clothes not under-nourished in any way. Why don't they teach people how to grow food, cater for themselves, build shelters, prepare against disease, etc,. There seems no sense of commitment to the final cause of "Armageddon Survivor". Do they think that after the Armageddon switch is thrown another switch operates and says "here's your neatly pressed and washed clothes" - "here's all your food"? "Suncream anyone?"

    Is it simply, "The lord will provide"?

    Reality check!

  • momzcrazy

    Where is your faith hotspur? Welcome to JWD BTW. God will provide you know. There will be bubbles of protection over all the little bookstudy groups to protect them. While all of us sinners will be bird food.


  • chicken little
    chicken little

    Good question....the usual cop out is it will all be taken care of by Jehovah. But humans (survivors), are the body desposers so what about the obvious after effects that have to be dealt with. Just read an account about what would happen to the earth if all people disappeared. Within 2 days all sewage systems would overflow. Within 7 days the atomic reactors would explode and release their deadly contents as there would be no one to operate the cooling towers..So I wonder how many experts in those areas the Wt society has...no time to train them. As usual the difficult questions are never anwsered...we should not speculate...all is under control....Yep.


    Chicken little

  • BluesBrother
    Is it simply, "The lord will provide"?

    Yes...That is it....... To make plans for survival based on techniques that they could use, would show that they had a lack of faith on God . The God who could take the Israelites through the wilderness can take care of them, - - So they say ...

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Urgency Enema.

    Seems like that's all I've ever gotten as a dub.


  • Casper


    Loved your post, I have had that same thought many times, asked a few and always got the same ole "Jehovah will provide" ans.

    I felt we should have at least, been stocking food, but again they told me "No" the worldly ones would just take it all away...

    Even Noah preached AND built an ark!

    True... Noah was prepared...


  • Twitch

    I recall wondering the same questions when I was a dub and the answer that "he will provide" didn't satisfy my curiosity. I mean, all that time sitting at the KH gives one ample opportunity to imagine all kinds of stuff and a favorite pastime of mine then was to imagine what might happen when the big A hits. I pictured it as rather chaotic much like the artist's impressions that were in the pages of whatever piece of fanciful fiction I was holding. And though I "knew" then that the outcome/fate of everyone was in big J's hands, I still thought there would be some element of action/effect or choice that was mine. That left enough room for some rather interesting if not slightly disturbed KH daydreams. That was around the time of the Road Warrior as I recall,...

    However, what really interested me was what might happen leading up to the A, namely what was known as the Great Tribulation. Here there was much more a kid with an over active imagination could grab onto. Yea, Jehobah will provide but how? I had the impression that humankind would be left to face the Satan and his demon hordes unaided and their agents on earth would engage a spiritual coup d'etats of sorts, a worldwide fascist state ala 1984. This would lead to a necessary underground movement of dubs where meetings were almost nonexistent as they are now but would have to be conducted in "cell" fashion at safehouse and always under the guise of some other event, literature would have to be smuggled, service would radically change or be deemed unnecessary at some point (this particular idea having serious effect on the rank & file). There would have to be a network of dubs involved in communications from head office and counter-intelligence would be necessary to keep under the radar and guard against "moles" intent on exposing those involved.

    Of course, as things got worse and the persecution ramped up, many would be rounded up and carted off to "work" camps for serious supervision and re-education. Given the neutral/passive stance of the dub, my thought here was that these ones really had their fates in the J's hands and I hoped their faith was strong. For those still outside, this is when things would really get hairy as the depraved and immoral hordes of worldy origin turned feral and sought out those who might be responsible for their immient destruction, namely joe & jane dub. Extraction to safehouses and predetermined rally points would be necessary at the critical hour and handled by the underground, the time of which we would surely be notified via prearranged instructions. Not knowing exactly how long the big A would take, these places would need to be stocked with provisions, meds, lodging and a number of things necessary to host a crowd for at least a time. There would need to be many of these around the globe. There we would be safe whilst the fire rained down and cleansed the earth. And we had the rest of eternity to clean up the mess.

    No, I suppose I never totally believed that everything would take care of itself. In some weird respect, I was preparing for it and planning to do my part to ensure the safety of my brothers and sisters. Someone had to.

    Funny you should bring up this subject; I hadn't thought about it for a long time. So whacked, lol. Actually, the R rated daydreams were better,.....lol.

  • hotspur

    So, it wasn't just me then! LoL

    I think the meetings created the ideal atmosphere for young fertile minds to run riot..... my musings were just as torrid! I'm surprised I never had nightmares.

    What did I see around me to prepare for this impending persecution? "We must get out into the field more!" I thought then that was a bit facile. Place ourselves into more jeopardy?

    Why did it take so long for me to see the reality of an organisation controlled through fear? I you're frightened enough or the fear is perceived to be coming from a divine source and is therefore benevolent you can be persuaded to do almost anything.

  • WTWizard

    I noticed that they talk all the time about the urgency, and that we need to be going to all those boasting sessions and out in field circus. There is not one word about exactly what people need to do in order to survive or to come out in the new order and take care of all the bedlam.

    And there are so many intentionally confusing details about things that don't matter. They split everything into as many groups as they can, assigning slightly different details to each, and then expect people to waste their time trying to figure it out. And then it changes slightly, outdating all that work.

    In a real emergency, there would be clear instructions. A competent emergency management system would quickly disseminate all the information people need, as efficiently as possible, without adding details about some groups and deals that belong in the past or putting stock prayer answerings and good experiences from the Old Testament into the message. You would get the information you needed, right then (not "stop missing meetings, do more field circus, etc").

    Someone just wants to waste our time. Until they are very specific on what to do, and it all makes sense, there is no way that I will recommend any action based on them, except to not join and to leave if you are already in.

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