what is the generation change that happened in 1995 ?

by looloo 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • looloo

    i left in 1995 , ive heard ypu talk of it but what actually was said and what was the reation to the change by the rank and file , i do remember the millions now living will never die saying .

  • lisavegas420

    When I was growing up, it was drummed into our heads, that the generation that was of age, in 1914 would live to see the end of this world.

    They said a generation was 70-80 years, well time was running out...and those that were alive in 1914 were droppin' like flys, so they had to change it.

    Years ago, I *innocently* said to my dad, "So...those 1914 people are getting up in years dad."

    He said, "The light is getting brighter, we now understand that we might not have the right understanding of generation, so it's been changed."

    I said.."what, they can't change the rules in mid stream!..the bible didn't change..who makes up these rules"

    He said."lisa..the light is getting brighter:"

    I said, "Brighter, dad, the freaking light is blinking off and on."

    he hung up on me....Shortly after that.....I got a computer, and my yahoo email address is "blinkinlite" ...the rest of the scales fell from my eyes.


  • WTWizard

    The "generation" before 1995 was the group of people that saw 1914, originally those who could discern it but altered so they just had to be alive then.

    After 1995, it was a group of people that shared the characteristics of refusing to discern world events and come into the cult. Effectively, that blew it for them because these characteristics could easily be passed down generations.

    Another change happened recently. This time, it means those of the "anointed" class.

  • buffalosrfree

    they will change it because they just don't know what it is they are talking about. They like to espew garbage and expect the R&F to distribute it and swallow it as new light. I always thought new light would be like have a 40 watt bulb in your lamp, and then going out and getting a 100 watt bulb. the room didn't change the setting didn't things just got a little clearer. The Society's idea of new light is a complete reversal of what they taught before. It is like getting a stronger bulb put it in the lamp and find out that you are in the bathroom now and not the den or living room where you started putting the stronger bulb in the lamp. Makes no sense.

  • Pickled

    Does anyone know if any reasons are given by the WTBTS about why they feel it is such an important part of their teachings to keep guessing about dates and the years things are going to happen?

    It seems that it adds nothing to whatever they believe about the bible, and it has only served to create such confusion among their members over the years. They have been doing this since the 1800's, over and over getting it wrong and having to retract or change a previous date. So why do it? There must be a motive behind it, otherwise they would not continue such a practice or exercise in numerology that has provided such a bounty of inaccurate information.

    Why not just focus on the key teachings of the bible and leave out all the guess work? Even if they continue to believe, remarkably, that it is NOT guess work at all, but dates given by the direction of the holy spirit, and even if they understand that the holy spirit is just confused....why not keep those dates to themselves as that "faithful and discrete slave" who is the holder and un-folder of all bible secrets?

    That would be entirely acceptable and in keeping with their standard practice of dropping "hints" given by traveling members of the governing body or other leaders, "hints" and "clues" that cause the members to speculate on their own, and gives the clear message that there is in fact a lot of information that they have up their sleeve from God that they just haven't shared yet because the members aren't ripe enough to hear it. So why not do the same thing with the dates and just "hint" that there are times and seasons that things are going to happen, and God himself provided the governing body with a stone doomsday calendar, only they are not going to share it because it might cause people to stop focusing on the importance of the ransom sacrifice and get completely caught up in when to expect the world to end?

    It seems amazingly foolish to purposely include an unnecessary practice in a religion that also claims to have the only truth in existence, a practice that continues decade after decade to subtract in a great way from any other truths they may be preaching that actually ARE in the bible.

    So why do they do it? Is it a tool to motivate, like a threat of sorts to keep the members too afraid to quit when Armageddon is always right around the corner? Or do they really have the same mind set as Russell only without the Pyramids?

    I would really like to hear your thoughts about this.

  • hamsterbait

    The change made in the 2008 Kool Aid edition is more crucial than 1995.

    Many witlesses dismnissed the first as "only a slight change"

    2008 has really pulled the rug from under them. Old uns who were hanging on ("maybe it will come just in time to stop me dying" ) are faced with the cold reality that the Gibbering Buddy now says we may be in for a LONG haul, and even the 1914 ers will be dead.

    Shades of "my master is delaying" here.


  • still_in74

    2 points here....

    do remember the millions now living will never die saying .

    check out my new topic on this one...........

    as for the change, I have a question...... for decades it was the generation of 1914, then "wicked generation", and now the annointed. I heard that this "new light" is a reversion back to what was taught prior to the 1914 generation teaching. This was noted in a 'V' production on You Tube.

    Is this true??

  • Poztate
    I heard that this "new light" is a reversion back to what was taught prior to the 1914 generation teaching. This was noted in a 'V' production on You Tube.

    Is this true??

    It is true. It seems that Rutherford went with the idea that the "generation" was referring to the anointed.

    Then it go changed to the 1914 generation,then to a confused idea in 1995 that was ambiguous then to anointed again.

  • RebelWife
    Is it a tool to motivate, like a threat of sorts to keep the members too afraid to quit when Armageddon is always right around the corner?

    Sounds good to me. And then they're exclusive, too, because they're the only ones who know this.

    Gibbering Buddy

    Thanks. Now I have to clean my keyboard 'cause I spit tea all over it.

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