As a Witness Did you Feel "Coerced" to be "Used" for " Privileges" ?

by flipper 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Figured I'd bump this up for the night time crowd to chew on a bit. Tricky words those words , being used and having privileges . Look forward to your comments

  • WTWizard

    I actually got coerced and forced for the following "privileges(??)":

    (1) Magazine duty as an assistant

    (2) Passing the mics

    (3) Reading at the book study

    (4) Taking the group out in field circus on 2 days a week

    (5) Guarding a Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund box at a Grand Boasting Session once

    (6) Assisting the Second School

    (7) Assisting the main Theocraptic Misery "School(??)"

    (8) Helping distribute the new release littera-trash at a Grand Boasting Session once

    (9) Working in the food kitchen cleaning fruit at a Great Boasting Session once

    (10) Attendance of the Value Destroyer Training School. Thank Satan that they failed to get me there (as of yet), but that is where they really wanted me.

    If they do ever succeed in shoving that "privilege(??)" down my throat, they are in for a rude awakening. I will do whatever it takes to ruin the reputation of the God of the Bible, attacking particularly fiercely the "maximally benevolent" portion of the definition of God. Once they see that there is no omnipotent, omniscient, and maximally benevolent Being, people will see the whole religion as a total scam and refuse to join. And they will not get their first billion members off my back.

  • R.F.

    I sought out the "priveleges" as soon as I was baptized. I went to the elders and asked them to use me in any way they can. I went to them and asked about them recommending me for MS. Sometimes I thought I was making a difference, sometimes I didn't. Sometimes I thought I was appreciated, many times I felt unappreciated. Through it all though, I just wanted to do what God wanted me to do

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Good thing for me the WBTS are so misogynistic. "Privileges of service" are few for sisters.

  • crapola

    Being a sister in the congregation of course I never had that problem. I did play the piano for 25 years or more until we were about the last cong. around to do that. I missed it for awhile but had gotten to the point of it getng on my nerves also. There was one arrogant elder that kept talking about how as a united organization we really needed to stop using the piano and go to the CD's. That was ok with me but until it actually happened I kept thinking that I did'nt need to bedoing this.

    Another thing I remember is my uncle had just lost his son to pneumonia, was only 35 yrs.old, so needless to say he was in no shape to go in service like they thought he should for quite some time. Well, they would'nt let him be"used to carry the freaking microphones around for a long time because his service time was low!!!That really made me mad.

    So there's just one more reason I'm glad to be free!!!!!!!!!

  • still_in74

    I was always told how they could "use" me. That I was being considered to be "used". Oh I did sound and microphones - big deal.
    I actually conducted a B.S. once.
    But I never wanted the responsibility of being an MS. Even when I was "doing good in the truth" I didnt want to be an MS as I always knew I didnt want to have to commit to living up to that standard for the rest of my life - and I sure didnt want to then be removed as an MS!

    Sometimes elders would compare me to other brothers - how kind of them. But then those brothers wives left them and had affairs. Go figure. Yeah, I guess I should follow their great example.

    After that I never felt guilty. And now I couldnt care less. (obviously)

    Being in my 30's and not being an MS is fun. I can get away with so much! I am in a cong with double-digit elders! There is probably only 2 other bro's in my KH that are my age or older and arent MS/Elder.
    Then there is me, the guy with no privileges that never comments & only gives #2 & 4 talks. But when I do comment! LOL - I go over the heads of 90% of the people there...
    When I give talks - I rival any speaker in the KH (I have actually competed in public speaking)
    When "new light" comes out - I am all over and know all the details - I have literally been asked why I am not an elder by ppl when I get into deep discussions.

    Oh if they only knew where I get all my "new light" !!

  • flipper

    Sorry I haven't responded in a couple days as I was working all night Tuesday night and had to regain my sanity by taking a nap Wednesday morning ! Great comments - I'll answer you individually !

    WT WIZARD- It sounds like the congregation really " used " you to the hilt ! LOL! So much I can still see the smoke coming out your back side ! I feel for you friend ; they used me a lot too . Everything from assembly talks and parts to cleaning toilets .

    R.F. - As quality a person as you are I'm sure you made a big difference in a good way when you served as an MS ! Don't short change yourself friend ! Just want you to know I really enjoy your comments on JWD and appreciate you .

    MICKEY MOUSE- I often thought the sisters would have handled the " privileges of service " much better than the brothers. In fact , I think they did when giving talks , much more interesting , parts on the meeting, generally better readers at the book study when used that way . And I even think the organization would have had less problems with corrupt elders - if they had let women serve as elders ! Just my opinion !

    CRAPOLA- I bet you played a great piano ! The witnesses are so cloned to be the same - they want everything to sound the same too ! That is disgusting what they did to your uncle ! He was grieving like normal humans do - and because of needing to grieve and stay home from meetings - they take away his microphone carrying privileges ? The more injustices I hear that elders committed, the more I want to start a new thread on it. Think I will today !

    STILL IN 74- It sounds like you were able to dodge the bullet and not get sucked into being used too much in responsibilities ! I think it's great you can still go to meetings and learn what you have learned on JWD and perhaps carefully share it with other witnesses. Kind of be an inside spy for us to help others get out of the witness cult ! Keep us posted on what's going on on the inside, O.K. ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    Thought I'd bump this up for those of you wanting to vent about having been " used " for " privileges "

  • flipper

    Just wanted to bump this up if you wanted to share thoughts of being " coerced " or " used " in having " privileges " in the witnesses

  • flipper

    Just wanted to bump this up for the weekend crowd to see - and it's getting near 21 posts almost ! LOL! Want to see it catch a fire ! LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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