Have you gained more than lost?

by compound complex 58 Replies latest jw experiences

  • reniaa

    I'm sorry but atm I think I've lost more than I've gained after 10 years away, there is no utopia outside of JW's it's a hard world and in looking at other faiths and a lot of them exhibit same failings as witnesses that alot have mentioned so far :(

  • wings
  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I hope I am getting to the break-even place. The most significant gain has been getting to the point of no return. That has given me the momentum to continue in my approach to the surface, in search of fresh air.

    I suppose, I’m in the rebuilding process. The major gains are in front of me.

    Wings' post

  • RR

    In terms of your JW experience, have the losses you've suffered been offset by the good you've gained?

    I joined the JW's with nothing, I left with nothing except my wife. I lost whatever friends I had, but I realize that they weren't friends to begin with. Their friendship was conditional, on the consition that I stay a JW, they will stay my friends.

    Since I've left, i have a renewed relationship with my heavenly Father and elder brother Jesus. I have want of nothing but to please them. I have a handful of friends, and that's the way I like it. I was never into crowds, I'm a bit antisocial, no make that very antisocial. So it doesn't bother me if I'm not spoken to. Out of sight, out of mind.

    I'm not miserable, at least I don't think I am. I just find it funny that certain religious groups feel they have to ostracize you to teach you a lesson. They think you'll come crawling back with tears and repentance, they don't realize that in my case it's a blessing .


  • dawg

    I thought about this a long time.. and to me, it's not about gains and loses... its about doing the right thing, looking myself, only myself in the mirror in the Am, and knowing that the man there has courage-it gets me nothing but I know what I am. I lost my family, but maybe, hopefully, the people I may have helped by my actions will someday understand and that will be my so called "gain".

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    there is no utopia outside of JW's


    Utopia has been sought by idealists other than JWs, but, historically, Utopia-realized has degenerated into just another opportunity for the leaders to lord it over their followers. We cannot expect any one group of flawed humanity - especially those claiming to be "the happiest people on earth" - to maintain their unity of purpose and supposed divine rights for very long. So sorry for what you've suffered ...

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I suppose, I’m in the rebuilding process. The major gains are in front of me.


    We're with you in the rebuilding process. It requires time, effort, patience and the refusal to give up. Major gains may actually be right before you ... have you already experienced small but meaningful gains?

    Thanks for your reply.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Since I've left, i have a renewed relationship with my heavenly Father and elder brother Jesus.


    You have your center and, therefore, can consider all else as loss on account of the excelling value of that precious relationship you enjoy.

    I, too, think it funny that the putative masters of our former faith feel the need to teach us a lesson, when the Rs & Rs (some 1170-plus, according to A. Schroeder) of the WTB&TS so demand.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    but maybe, hopefully, the people I may have helped by my actions will someday understand and that will be my so called "gain".


    We were trained as JWs to await growth with patience once the seed had been planted. I believe the principle still applies. People of integrity - such as you, I and many others here on JWD seek to be - may not see immediate results from our reverse-ministry. But forces as mighty as those of nature - germination - are at work.

    I appreciate your reply.

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